

巧妇难做无米之粥对应英文:One cannot do without rice porridge

比喻做事缺少必要条件,很难做成。 参考...对应英文:Analogy work lacks the necessary conditions, is very difficult to do. Reference resources.

比喻做事缺少必要条件,很难做成。【出自】宋·陆游《老学庵笔记》卷三"晏景初尚书,请僧住院,僧辞以穷陋不..."【近义词】无米难为炊【反义词】指雁为羹对应英文:Analogy work lacks the necessary conditions, is very difficult to do. [from] Song Dynasty Lu You "old learn Ciyuan notes" volume three "Yan Jingchu Shang, please monk hospitalization, monk speech to the poor ugly not..." [synonym] cook a meal without rice straw [] Zhiyanweigeng antonyms

巧妇难为无米之饮----物质决定意识望梅止渴、心灵手巧-----意识对物质具有反作用因地制宜、因才施教、因人而异、量体裁衣、随机应变、因势利导、实事求是-----一切从实...对应英文:Make bricks without straw drink - the material determines consciousness console oneself with false hopes, have clever hands and good sense, consciousness has the reaction to the material suit one's measures to local conditions, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, differ from man to man, to adjust to changing circumstances, in the light of its general trend, seek truth from facts, everything from the reality...

谢谢,祝学习愉快对应英文:Thank you, happy learning

巧妇难为无米之炊 发 音 ǎ ù á é ú ǐ ī ī 释 义 即使是聪明能干的妇女,没米也做不出饭来。比喻做事缺少必要条件,很难做成。 出 处 宋·陆游《老学庵...对应英文:One can't make bricks without straw pronunciation ǎ ù á é ú ì Ji ī ī release righteousness even smart women, can't cook a meal without rice. Analogy work lacks the necessary conditions, is very difficult to do. The Song Dynasty Lu You "old nunnery...

景初曰'高才固易耳。'僧曰'巧妇安能作无面汤饼乎'"这就是说,,,巧妇不仅没米做不成饭,想吃饼,没面她也是烙不成,你别说改吃凉粉,反正就是这么个意思,没米饭吃也就算...对应英文:Jing Chu said, ' Gaocai solid easy to ear .

巧妇难为无米之炊。 【英文翻译】' 【注音】ǎ ù á é ú ǐ...比喻做事缺少必要条件,很难做成。 【来源】宋·陆游《老学庵...对应英文:Even a clever woman cannot cook a meal without rice. [translation] '[phonetic] English ǎ ù á é ú ì Ji... Analogy work lacks the necessary conditions, is very difficult to do. [source] Song Dynasty Lu You "old nunnery...

依靠先宪法宣判。再罚对应英文:Relying on the first constitutional judgment. To punish

巧妇难为无米之炊【解释】即使是聪明能干的妇女,没米也做不出饭来。比喻做事缺少必要条件,很难做成。【出自】宋·陆游《老学庵笔记》卷三"晏景初尚书,请僧住院,僧辞...对应英文:One can't make bricks without straw [explain] even smart women, can't cook a meal without rice. Analogy work lacks the necessary conditions, is very difficult to do. [from] Song Dynasty Lu You "old learn Ciyuan notes" volume three "Yan Jingchu Shang, please monk monk hospitalization, speech...

无米之炊 词目 无米之炊 发音 ú ǐ ī ī 释义 炊做饭。比喻缺少必要条件无法办成的事。 出处 宋·...景初曰'高才固易耳。'僧曰'巧妇安能作无面汤饼乎'" 示例 ...对应英文:Make bricks without straw of pronunciation ú ì Ji ī ī interpretation cooking cooking. The lack of necessary conditions of metaphor cannot do. Source song... Early scene said 'high solid easy ear. 'the monk said' you can do without the soup cake almost '"example...


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