

爱闹的孩子吃奶多对应英文:Love child feeding more

由于牙龈痛痒,宝宝往往会在吃奶的时候专注于啃咬奶嘴奶头,导致厌奶征状。   厌奶原因   .母乳宝宝不...   不哭不闹的话应该没什么问题的。可能宝宝开始对外界感兴...对应英文:Because gum itching, children are often at feeding time focus on bite pacifier nipple, resulting in fed milk syndrome. Fed milk. Breastfeeding baby not... Don't cry should not trouble if not what problem. May the baby began to external interested...

对于每个人的相处交际方法,我们没有什么绝对的理由去评论什么!只有默默地祝福你喽! 根据自己的个人实际去制定出适合自己的相处方式!交际方法!对应英文:The communicative method with everyone, we have no reason to review what is what! Only silently bless you! According to their own personal practice to develop their own ways of communication method!

孩子还小所以肠胃消化不是很好的 也是正常的 拉沫子 是因为你吃的糖分太多了 或则是奶粉中糖...对应英文:The child is still small so the stomach is not very good but also normal pull the foam is because you eat too much sugar or milk sugar...

买的话最好买牌子好点的。或者说有亲戚朋友买过的奶粉。这样会相对来讲好点。。。我是个外行。呵呵。自己的意见随便说的。对应英文:If best buy buy brand good point. Or have friends and relatives to buy milk powder. This relatively good point... I am a layman. Ha-ha. Their opinions casually say.

其实这个问题你自己已经有了答案,只是想说出这些"自己认为不公平"的现象。对应英文:In fact, you that you have the answer, just want to say that "he considers unfair" phenomenon.

一般缺锌的宝宝不爱吃奶,头发黄。缺锌可引起食欲减退、异食癖、免疫功能减低严重缺锌可导致认知行为改变,影响智力发展。另外,缺钙和体内铅高的孩子也爱哭闹。所以建...对应英文:General zinc deficiency baby didn't love milk, the hair is yellow. Zinc deficiency can cause loss of appetite, immune function, reduce the PICA severe zinc deficiency can lead to cognitive behavioral change, affecting the intellectual development. In addition, calcium and lead in high children also love crying. So building...

挠某个部位等,在排除了不严重的皮肤瘙痒和耳朵痒耳屎多的情况后,还搞不定,就要看医生的,当然希望宝宝没事。 带带孩子时间长你就有经验了会处理了,小宝宝都这样。对应英文:Scratch a site, after exclusion of non severe itching and ears itch. Many situation, also do not, we should see a doctor, of course, hope that the baby. With the children a long time you will experience the process, the baby so.

孩子出牙期,可以用麿牙棒或麿牙饼干,以帮助乳牙的萌出,还要注意及时补充钙和鱼肝油(维生素),晒太阳都能促进钙吸收,宝宝吃母乳,妈妈一定要多喝些有营养的汤或食物,个...对应英文:Baby teething, can wear the tooth stick or wear teeth biscuits, to help teeth adorable, but also pay attention to add calcium and cod-liver oil (vitamin), the sun can promote the absorption of calcium, breast fed baby, mom must drink plenty of nutritious soup or food, a...

主要由于宝宝逐渐对周围环境产生好奇,对吃奶之事分心,注意力不集中,或者吃腻了单一的食物等。另外,个月之... . 不可强行喂奶。在孩子的不同发育阶段,厌食的问题可能都...对应英文:Mainly because the baby gradually on the surrounding environment of curiosity, distraction to nurse things, attention is not centered, or with a single food etc.. In addition, a month. Can not be forced feeding... In different developmental stages of children, the problem may have anorexia...

不哭闹就是吃饱了,没事的,对应英文:Crying is not full, okay,


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