

不吃黄连不知啥叫苦对应英文:Don't eat Coptis chinensis to know what

不到俄罗斯不知道原来这么大块地也会有人吃不饱 不到梵帝冈不知道从自己家开一枪都会打到罗马的鸟 不到美...不到上海不知道啥叫乡巴佬 不到天津不知道啥叫社会主义好 不...对应英文:Not to Russia didn't know so large there would be people without enough to eat not to the Vatican did not know from his home to open one gun is hit Rome bird not... Not to Shanghai do not know what is, not to Tianjin not what socialism is good not...

不劳动不知道啥叫累,不吃黄连不知道啥叫苦。对应英文:No work, don't know what call tired, do not eat Coptis and don't know what.

半夜吃黄连--暗中叫苦对应英文:The middle of the night to eat Coptis chinensis -- secretly

不经历磨难,就不懂得生活的艰辛!对应英文:Without suffering, do not understand the hardships of life!

黄莲是极苦的果实,哑巴吃了,因为不能说话,自然就不能通过语言来表达他的苦了。 这通常比喻一个理亏的人吃了亏后反而不能作声,有苦自知。对应英文:Silence is very bitter fruit, dummy eat, because cannot speak, naturally can not be expressed by means of language. His bitter. Usually this analogy a wrong person eating but can not be silent, bitter self-knowledge.

没法变 孙猴子斗魔王--打你个牛角朝天 孙猴子封了个弼()马温--不知自己官大官小沾沾自喜 孙猴子上了花果山--称王称霸称心如意 孙猴子上天宫--得意忘形 孙猴子守桃...对应英文:Can't change the monkey bucket tyrant, play you a horn into the monkey a closure of the Bi (his) -- know officer officer small pleased with oneself monkey on the mountain of flowers and fruit -- Lord it over others as one wishes the Monkey Temple on the Monkey Sun Shou Tao -- get dizzy with success...

半夜吃黄连--暗中叫苦 半夜吃甘庶--不知头尾 半衣敲钟 -- 一鸣惊人 半夜过独木桥--步步小心对应英文:The middle of the night to eat Coptis chinensis -- secretly complain in the middle of the night to eat Gan Shu - I and half coat -- set the Thames a great coup bell midnight single plank bridge - tread carefully

暗中叫苦对应英文:Groan inwardly

不吃黄连,不知啥叫苦 不吃馒头争(蒸)口汽 不吃羊肉惹身臊 不打不相识 不打无把握之仗 不打无准备之仗 不当家不知柴米贵 不...对应英文:Don't eat Coptis, never complain do not eat Steamed buns for (steamed) and outlet does not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared when Chai Migui not know not...

而卜卦前程的情况,就像哑子吃黄连,有苦说不出,这应该是个下签 。其实卜卦之事,不可尽信,卜像如何不要太放心里对应英文:The situation and future of divination, as have ineffable sorrows, have cannot say painstakingly, this should be a sign. In fact, the augury of things, do not letter, like how to don't put heart Bu


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