

大限来时各自飞对应英文:Time to fly their

现代社会缺少真心真情流失,自私冷漠。对应英文:In modern society, the lack of true love lost, selfishness and indifference.

大难来时各自飞。释义夫妻之间就像树林里面的一对鸟儿一样,假如遇到森林大火,它们只会各走各的路。大限是时间的到来。也可以理解为。生命到了终点,个走个的。 原文...对应英文:Difficult to fly their. Which interpretation between husband and wife as one of forest bird, if encounter a forest fire, they will only go their way. Time is the time of arrival. Can also be understood as. Life to the end, a walk. The original...

分道扬镳对应英文:Part company each going his own way

大限有几种解释 答所谓的大限,主要指严重的天灾人祸. 天灾地震、海啸、雪崩、台风、冰雹、沙尘暴、山体滑坡、泥石流等. 人祸战争、政治斗争、权力角逐、民族矛盾...对应英文:The deadline of several interpretations a so-called doomsday, mainly refers to the serious natural calamities and man-made misfortunes. The disaster earthquake, tsunami, avalanche, typhoons, hail, storms, landslides, debris flow and so on. The contradiction of war, politics, power play, national man-made...

(明)冯梦龙《警世通言》夫妻本是同林鸟,巴到天明各自飞 《增广贤文》人生似鸟同林宿,大限来时各自飞 .对应英文:(Ming) Feng Menglong "to warn men" the couple are birds of the same, Ba and fly their kind "augmented" life is like a bird with the night, time to fly their

出处《警世通言》(冯梦龙 明)"夫妻本是同林鸟,巴到天明各自飞。" 《增广贤文》"人生似鸟同林宿,大限来时各自飞 。"对应英文:The source "to warn men" (Feng Menglong) "the couple are birds of the same, Pakistan and their respective fly. "Kind" augmented "" life is like a bird with the night, time to fly their. "

是大难好不好对应英文:Is difficult is good

巴到天明各自飞 《增广贤文》人生似鸟同林宿,大限来时各自飞 . 现在不能这么说了,现在的人们都是 真真假假,虚虚实实,就连夫妻间也是,很多的时候都是相反的,都像是以前...对应英文:Ba and their respective fly "augmented kind" life is like a bird with the night, at the end of their respective fly. It cannot be said, now people are the true, the true mingled with the false, even between husband and wife is, a lot of time is the opposite, as before...

普遍的是说,他们都是自私中的人三,难过的是说,他们都承受不了这些疼和灾难,宁愿各自结束各自走自己的路四,凄惨的是说,他们都不懂得爱,也是从头到尾都没有真心爱过对方...对应英文:The general said, they are all selfish person three, sad is that, they can not afford these pain and disaster, would rather their end go their own way four, miserable is to say, they don't know love, also from A to Z didn't really love each other...

大限来时各自飞"是那些把爱情之堤建在了沙地上的夫妻,遇到"祸水"肯定要各自飞。而那些真心相爱的夫妻是不会在危难之时抛弃爱人的。对应英文:Time to fly their "are those who love the embankment built on the sand of husband and wife, encounter" disaster "must fly their. But those who really love of husband and wife is never abandon love in the time of distress.


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