

知夫莫若妻对应英文:The husband wife know better

"如"和"若"的意思基本相同,都基本上是"像,如,如同"的意思,但有程度上的区别,"如"所表示的"像,如同"的意思程度较"若"就更深一点,就像汉语中的"很"和"非常"一样。现在经常...对应英文:"If" and "if" are basically the same meaning, basically is "like, like, like" meaning, but different extent, "such as" represents "as meaning, as the extent of" than the "if" is a little deeper, just like in Chinese and "very" "very". Now often...

最理解知道丈夫的人莫过于妻子了对应英文:The understanding of people know her husband than his wife

最了解丈夫的,没有人能比的过妻子 意思是说妻子最了解丈夫对应英文:The best understanding of husband wife, did not mean people than is the understanding husband wife

是知夫莫若妇。 原句是知子莫若母,知夫莫若妇。 最懂儿子的只有母亲,最懂丈夫的只有妻子。对应英文:Know the husband morrow women. The original sentence is know son more mother, husband morrow women know. The most understand son mother only, most understand her husband only his wife.

最了解这娘们儿的莫过于她汉们儿~~~对应英文:The understanding of the woman than she and Han children

当初若知,现在即知下弦月星满天像谁泪涟涟一阵风一首歌摇晃思念只恨年少爱逞强为小事轻言离别在春天过冬天张眼睛冬眠一颗心一种病不停落叶旧情怎么那么长打了绕了几千...对应英文:Now if you know, now that know the moon star sky like who tears a gust of wind, a song shaking only hate young love overexert trivial say goodbye in spring and winter hibernation Zhang eyes a heart a kind of disease does not stop love how long leaves around a thousand...

句话并不是什么名言写的有点生硬 我无法一个一个字地给你翻译 翻不通但大致的意思是 人若是得到知己 足以当做良配 度过百年看上下句吧 多半是有情人当成眷属的意思对应英文:Sentence is not what words to write a little blunt I cannot be a one word to give you the translation turn not but generally mean people if be confidant enough as fit spends hundred years look words might have a lover as dependents

华严经十九曰"若人欲了知,三世一切佛,应观法界性,一切唯心造。"总该万有而名法界,此法界悉为自己一心变造,叫法界唯心。 佛家认为,世界上的一切事物,都是自己的心识所...对应英文:Nineteen Yue "Kegon if people want to know all the Buddhas, III, should view the law, all make idealist. "The name of that law, the community was altered as noted for his idealism, community. The Buddhist thought, all things in the world, is your heart knows...

若知四海皆兄弟 何必五湖起硝烟对应英文:If you know the brotherhood of man why lakes up smoke

到我空间来看,偶的是对应英文:To my space, I was


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