

池浅王八多对应英文:Chi Qian Wang Baduo

池浅王八多。"意思是说一些反革命、走资派的问题只有本单位的人才能了解,才能解决,不主张由"工作组"来包办。他还骂北京大学"水浅王八多",主要是指北大校长马寅初(最早...对应英文:Pool of shallow bastard. "Means that some counter revolutionary, capitalist roader problems only the people can understand, to resolve, not advocated by the" working group "to do. He also called Peking University "water shallow bastard", mainly refers to the president of PKU Ma Yinchu (the earliest...

据资料说毛泽东在文化大革命早期曾说过"庙小神灵大,池浅王八多。"意思是说一些反革命、走资派的问题只有本单位、本部门的人才能了解,才能解决,不主张由"工作组"...对应英文:According to the data in the cultural revolution, Mao Zedong early once said "a small temple gods, pool of shallow bastard. "Means that some counter revolutionary, capitalist roader problems only the unit, the Department to understand, to resolve, not advocated by the" working group"...

池浅王八多""庙小妖风大,池浅王八多" 民间俗语意思是说小地方、小人物反上了天,不可小看。 这话毛主席用过这话--庙小妖风大,池浅王八多",当时是批评北大。不过那是...对应英文:Pool of shallow bastard "" Xiao Yao Temple wind, pool of shallow bastard "folk proverb mean little place, little people back on the day, can not be underestimated. "Chairman Mao used this -- the temple demon wind, shallow pool", Wang Baduo was criticized north. But it is...

骂北京大学水浅王八多,多几个王八也不是坏事 主要是指北大校长马寅初对应英文:At Peking University the shallow water Wang Baduo, more than a few bastard is not a bad thing is mainly refers to the president of Peking University Ma Yinchu

是毛泽东说的 当时骂指北大校长马寅初对应英文:Mao Zedong said at the time that is called the president of Peking University Ma Yinchu

据资料说毛泽东在文化大革命早期曾说过"庙小神灵大,池浅王八多。"意思是说一些反革命、走资派的问题只有本单位、本部门的人才能了解,才能解决,不主张由"工作组"来包...对应英文:According to the data in the cultural revolution, Mao Zedong early once said "a small temple gods, pool of shallow bastard. "Means that some counter revolutionary, capitalist roader problems only the unit, the Department to understand, to resolve, not advocated by the" working group "to package...

比喻一个小部门不好的习惯风气和不好的人特别多.是一个贬义形容.对应英文:Metaphor in particular a small department of bad habits and bad people. The atmosphere is a pejorative description

先找主谓宾芙蓉镇对他欺生!显然不对应该是这里的人对他欺生!怎么改 相必您已经知道了对应英文:First find the SVO Furong Town to strangers! Obviously wrong should be here on his strangers! How will you already know

毛主席说的"庙小妖风大,池浅王八多"对应英文:Chairman Mao said, "Xiao Yao Temple wind, pool of shallow bastard"

王八久伏水中后,要露头呼吸。由于游得慢,所以,王八们都会集中在水浅的地方。、不要小瞧一个小地方,小单位。各色人物都有,各种坏事都会出。贬义词。对应英文:Wang Bajiu V water, breathing to outcrop. Due to travel slowly, therefore, bastard who will be concentrated in shallow water. A little place, do not look down upon, small units. Array of characters, all sorts of things will have. Pejorative.


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