

破鼓乱人捶对应英文:Broken drum to beat

一个人如果失败了。。所有人都会落井下石。。。对应英文:If a person fails.. All people have to maltreat an injured person...

真不懂京剧的人该明白了,可别任什么人都敢看不起京剧,蔑视京剧,啥都不懂却敢于"破鼓乱人捶",动不动张嘴闭嘴就褒贬几句,什么"节奏慢"啊"太陈旧"啊,其实,原来也不怨这些...对应英文:Really don't understand Peking Opera people should understand, don't let what people dare to despise the Peking Opera, in defiance of Beijing opera, you know nothing but to "broken drum to beat", motionless on her mouth a few words, what "slow", "too old" ah, in fact, the original is not blame these...

泥足巨人、判若两人、旁若无人、赔了夫人又折兵 贫贱骄人、平易近人、破鼓乱人捶、欺天罔人、千古罪人 迁客骚人、迁怒于人、前无古人、前无古人,后无来者、强加于人 ...对应英文:Be a colossus with feet of clay, different, self-assured or supercilious, throw the helve after the hatchet be proud of one's poverty, amiable and easy of approach, broken drum to beat, deceive God and man, a traitor through the ages man of gifted pen, vent one's anger on others, have no predecessors, have no predecessors, after no foist one's opinions upon others...

谋事在人,成事在天目中无人、泥足巨人、判若两人、旁若无人、赔了夫人又折兵贫贱骄人、平易近人、破鼓乱人捶、欺天罔人、千古罪人迁客骚人、迁怒于人、前无古人、前无...对应英文:No, you Man proposes, in Tianmu in be a colossus with feet of clay, different, self-assured or supercilious, throw the helve after the hatchet be proud of one's poverty, amiable and easy of approach, broken drum to beat, deceive God and man, a traitor through the ages man of gifted pen, vent one's anger on others, have no predecessors, not before...

驽马恋栈豆 女大不中留 女大十八变 盘古开天地 皮笑肉不笑 平地起孤丁 平地一声雷 破鼓乱人捶 骐骥困盐车 骑曹不记马 骑鹤上维扬 骑鹤上扬州 骑鹤望扬州 骑驴风雪中 ...对应英文:Short-sighted women do not leave a big eighteen change Pan Gu created heaven and earth crafty plains Gu ding a sudden clap of thunder broken drum to beat steed trapped car ride Cao do not remember salt horse riding a crane on the Weiyang riding a crane on the Yangzhou Yangzhou donkey ride up Strelitzia snow...

扬铃打鼓 比喻大声张扬。 敲边鼓 比喻从旁帮腔或助势。 破鼓乱人捶 比喻人失势受到大家的欺侮。 鸣鼓而攻之 比喻宣布罪状,遣责或声讨。 鸣鼓而攻 比喻宣布罪状,加以...对应英文:Yanglingdagu figurative loud publicity. Beat the drum on the side metaphor chime in or help potential. Broken drum to beat out by all means. Sound the call for attack metaphor announced that counts, condemn or denounce. Send armed forces to suppress metaphor announced that counts, to...

目中无人 耐人寻味 泥足巨人 判若两人 旁若无人 赔了夫人又折兵 贫贱骄人 平易近人 破鼓乱人捶 欺人太甚 欺人之谈 杞人忧天 起死人肉白骨 千部一腔,千人一面 千人所指...对应英文:Defiant afford much food for thought be a colossus with feet of clay self-assured or supercilious person throw the helve after the hatchet amiable and easy of approach to be proud of one's poverty broken drum beat That's going too far. doublespeak human bones to entertain imaginary or groundless fears had identical be subjected to the censure of everybody...

驽马恋栈豆 女大不中留女大十八变 盘古开天地 皮笑肉不笑 平地起孤丁 平地一声雷 破鼓乱人捶骐骥困盐车 骑曹不记马 骑鹤上维扬 骑鹤上扬州 骑鹤望扬州 骑驴风雪中骑驴...对应英文:Short-sighted women do not leave a big eighteen change Pan Gu created heaven and earth crafty plains Gu ding a sudden clap of thunder broken drum to beat steed trapped car ride Cao do not remember salt horse riding a crane on the Weiyang riding a crane on the Yangzhou Yangzhou donkey donkey ride up Strelitzia snow...

女大不中留 女大十八变 盘古开天地 皮笑肉不笑 平地起孤丁 平地一声雷 破鼓乱人捶 骐骥困盐车 骑曹不记马 骑鹤上维扬 骑鹤上扬州 骑鹤望扬州 骑驴风雪中 骑驴吟灞上 ...对应英文:Don't leave a big eighteen change Pan Gu created heaven and earth crafty plains Gu ding a sudden clap of thunder broken drum to beat steed trapped car ride Cao do not remember salt horse riding a crane on the Weiyang riding a crane on the Yangzhou riding up Strelitzia Yangzhou donkey donkey Yin Ba on snow...

收锣罢鼓 陶熔鼓铸 鸣鼓而攻之 掀风鼓浪 悬鼓待椎 偃旗仆鼓 偃旗卧鼓 偃旗息鼓 暮破鼓乱人捶 掩旗息鼓 扬铃打鼓 腰鼓兄弟 摇唇鼓喙 摇唇鼓舌 一鼓一板 一鼓作气 渔阳...对应英文:Shouluobagu Taorongguzhu sound the call for attack make trouble Xuangudaizhui Yanqipugu Yanqiwogu dormant Twilight broken drum to beat stop clamoring Yanglingdagu Yaoguxiongdi Yaochunguhui talk glibly Yiguyiban done in one vigorous effort yuyang...


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