

反其道而行之对应英文:Act in a diametrically opposite way
词 目 反其道而行之  发 音 fǎn qí dào ér xíng zhī  释 义 其:他的;道:方法,办法。采取同对方相反的办法行事。  出 处 《痛史》一四回:“只是宗兄劝你去做教习,你却去做学生,未免反其道而行了!”  示 例 高行健《法国现代派人民诗人维尔和他的〈歌词集〉》:“他们的诗无法入歌,更无人传唱。普列维尔却反其道而行之,不仅找到了一条现代诗人入歌的途径,而且,在西方,他还开拓

也许评委们十分确信他可以反其道而行之,在未来的几年中可以解决这些问题。对应英文:Perhaps the judges is convinced he can act in a diametrically opposite way, in the next few years can solve these problems.

这些事情本来就值得去做,现在西方在这些战略问题上只能和中国进行合作,而不是反其道而行之。对应英文:These things are worth doing, now the West in these strategic issues only and China cooperation, rather than act in a diametrically opposite way.

但如果你能够反其道而行之,你将发现,九月,正是那些机敏能干的人背上背包开始新的探险之旅的时候。对应英文:But if you can act in a diametrically opposite way, you will find that, in September, was the smart and capable people backpack to start a new adventure.

乘着飞机进入塞拉利昂,我们感到自己是反其道而行之的难民。对应英文:Flying in Sierra Leone, we feel that we act in a diametrically opposite way of refugees.

这些事情本来就值得去做,现在西方在这些战略问题上只能和中国进行合作,而不是反其道而行之。对应英文:These things are worth doing, now the West in these strategic issues only and China cooperation, rather than act in a diametrically opposite way.

也许评委们十分确信他可以反其道而行之,在未来的几年中可以解决这些问题。对应英文:Perhaps the judges is convinced he can act in a diametrically opposite way, in the next few years can solve these problems.

但如果你能够反其道而行之,你将发现,九月,正是那些机敏能干的人背上背包开始新的探险之旅的时候。对应英文:But if you can act in a diametrically opposite way, you will find that, in September, was the smart and capable people backpack to start a new adventure.

但与此同时货币投机者却反其道而行之,大量抛售美元,将宝押在美元会持续贬值,这在很大程度上抵消了各国央行的努力。对应英文:But at the same time, currency speculators but act in a diametrically opposite way, sell a large number of dollars, bet will continue to decline in the dollar, this is offset by a central bank efforts to a great extent.

苹果公司从一家电脑制造商摇身成为手机制造商已经很多年了,现在诺基亚反其道而行之。对应英文:Apple Corp from a computer makers if they become mobile phone manufacturers have for many years, now Nokia act in a diametrically opposite way.

一个鼓励这样的创新者的国家将会使文化和创新潜力发扬光大,若反其道而行之则将落后。对应英文:A countries that encourage these individuals will make the culture and carry forward the innovation potential, if you act in a diametrically opposite way will lag behind.

这样就要简单很多,因为你知道规定是什么样的,但如果是反其道而行之,那么监管规定在问题出现之后才制定。对应英文:This will be easier, because you know the rules of what, but act in a diametrically opposite way, then the regulation after the problem to make.

近些年来,越来越多的家庭条件优越的家长反其道而行之,将孩子送到单性预科学校学习。对应英文:In recent years, more and more families condition superior parents act in a diametrically opposite way, children will be sent to the single preparatory school.

在许多国家竭尽全力要助工业一臂之力之际,中国正反其道而行之。对应英文:In many countries, strain every nerve to assist industry a helping hand, Chinese opposite.

IBM公司却反其道而行之。 这样,来自新兴市场的经理人能够学到成熟市场的经验,为未来的发展做好准备。对应英文:IBM, act in a diametrically opposite way. So, from the emerging market managers can learn the experience of mature market, prepared for future development.

中国许多城市竞相建造高大炫目的摩天大楼,而杭州则反其道而行之。对应英文:Many city China racing to build tall dazzling skyscrapers, Hangzhou act in a diametrically opposite way.

研制机器人的科学家花费大量时间和心血打造拥有与生物同样功能的机器人,试问,我们能否反其道而行之,让生物也具备和计算机一样的功能呢?对应英文:Development of robot scientists spend considerable time and effort to build with biological function in the same robot, ask, can we act in a diametrically opposite way, let biology also has function like computers?

FDR带领国家反其道而行之,联邦政府深度介入以前被视为民营部门的领域。对应英文:FDR lead the country to act in a diametrically opposite way, the federal government involves previously regarded as private sector.

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