

视情况而定对应英文:As the case may be

数据加载成为了至多三个步骤的一个过程,从缓存加载数据或从数据库(视情况而定)加载数据并存储在缓存内。对应英文:Data loading became up to three steps of a process, from the cache load data or from the database (as the case may be) and load the data stored in the cache.

现在争论终于结束了,服务会有一个好的扭转,回归到公众所说的正常形式。 当然,这也要视情况而定,有时候他们说的也不全是正确的。对应英文:Now debate ended, the service will have a good turn, return to the normal form of the public.

视情况而定,您和您的伴侣或许都需要一定的药物治疗。对应英文:As the case may be, you and your partner may need some medication.

数据加载成为了至多三个步骤的一个过程,从缓存加载数据或从数据库(视情况而定)加载数据并存储在缓存内。对应英文:Data loading became up to three steps of a process, from the cache load data or from the database (as the case may be) and load the data stored in the cache.

在了解使用内容窗格(或者“令人痛苦的东西”,视情况而定)的新方法之前,让我们回过头来看一下在引入 Swing 之前是如何使用内容窗格的。对应英文:In to understand the content pane (or "painful", as the case may be) a new method of before, let's go back and look at before the introduction of the Swing is how to use the content pane.

现在争论终于结束了,服务会有一个好的扭转,回归到公众所说的正常形式。 当然,这也要视情况而定,有时候他们说的也不全是正确的。对应英文:Now debate ended, the service will have a good turn, return to the normal form of the public.

除了简单地要求更多的休假时间外,很多人协商争取获得长期缺席或休假(受薪与否,视情况而定)。对应英文:In addition to simply ask for more vacation time, many people seeking consultation long absence or leave (paid or not, as the case may be).

这里所述的技术对您是否有用还是归结到计算机科学中的那句老话上:视情况而定。对应英文:Described here technology is useful to you or due to an old saying goes: in the computer science as the case may be.

注意续航能力。当然续航能力越强越好,不过也要视情况而定——待机时间、通话时间、上网浏览、播放音乐还是GPS定位?对应英文:Pay attention to life.

到底哪一个方法更合适要视情况而定,但是可以确定的是 BCI 已经成为了主流。对应英文:Which method is more suitable to as the case may be, but what is certain is BCI has become the mainstream.

不过,如果要获得可以在环境中运行的服务器的准确数量,则还得采用视情况而定 之类的方式进行回答。对应英文:However, if you want to get can run in the environment of the server, the number of accurate, have to use as the case may be, such as way to answer.

那要视情况而定,你最好隔一阵子就去检查一下,以免衣服烘得太干。对应英文:That depends, you wait for a while will go to check, lest clothes drying too dry.

这些盥洗设施应当装有冷热水(视情况而定)、肥皂或洗涤剂,干手机和一次性毛巾。对应英文:The toilet facilities should be equipped with hot and cold water (as the case may be), soap or detergent, dry cell phone and disposable towels.

当然续航能力越强越好,不过也要视情况而定——待机时间、通话时间、上网浏览、播放音乐还是GPS定位?对应英文:Of course, the more the better battery life, but also depends, standby time, talk time, web browsing, play music, or GPS?

这雕塑证明了一个很有吸引力的想法:给定较少的规则,人们却能表现的更有创意、合作、协作(或竞争,视情况而定)的方式。对应英文:This sculpture is proved a very attractive idea: a given less rules, people can perform more creative, cooperation and collaboration (or competition, as the case may be).

至于政府行政机关现行文件开放的主体地位确立以后,档案局(馆)的现行文件阅览中心是否继续开办,应视情况而定。对应英文:As to the government administrative organs established the subject status of the current file open archives bureau (museum) of the current document view center whether to continue to operate, shall be as the case may be.

我向他报复是正确的吗?-那要视情况而定。但是我认为以德报怨比较好。对应英文:I gave him revenge is correct?

这需要一至一个半两天,视情况而定。对应英文:This requires one to two and a half days, as the case may be.

二者皆可,这要视情况而定,系统在快要跳闸之前很可能向你发出警报以便采取补救措施。对应英文:Both can be, it depends, system is likely to be alert to you before is going to trip to take remedial measures.

慢性或寄生性曲菌病的治疗视情况而定。对应英文:The treatment of chronic or parasitic music bacterium disease as the case may be.

分析可以定性,半定量或定量,或它们的组合,视情况而定。对应英文:Analysis can be qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative, or their combination, as the case may be.

凯蒂不喜欢制定计划。她更喜欢视情况而定。对应英文:Kitty don't like to make a plan.

对有问题的贷款帐户(特别提及或其他),检查应更加频繁,为了更加密切地进行监测,可以每个月或每季度检查一次,视情况而定。对应英文:Of problem loan accounts (special mention or others), the inspection should be more frequently, in order to more closely monitoring, can be inspected once every month or every quarter, as the case may be.

那要视情况而定,假如你们对城市有兴趣,你们或许会喜欢坐小汽车环游,我可以当你门的向导。对应英文:It depends, if you are interested in the city, you may like to travel by car, I can when you are the guide of the door.

我们当然希望领事们能留下来观看比赛,但是,你也知道领事们的工作都是非常繁忙的,所以只能视情况而定。对应英文:We hope the consular can stay to watch the game, of course, but, you know that the consular work is very busy, so only as the case may be.

因代理人与本人之间的特殊身份关系,是否需要指明本人应视情况而定。对应英文:Because of the special identity relations between the agent and I, whether to need to identify himself as the case may be.

我想这应该视情况而定,如果有必要的话我会加班的。对应英文:I think this should be as the case may be, I will work overtime if necessary.

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