

不可同日而语对应英文:A far cry from
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所以尽管现在我非常忙碌工作也十分努力,但是压力不可同日而语。对应英文:So although I am very busy now work is very hard, but the pressure.

而现在日本面临着损失一大块国土的可能性,它的经济影响与切尔诺贝利是不可同日而语的。对应英文:And now Japan is faced with the possibility of loss a large piece of land, its economic impact and is a far cry from chernobyl.

因为质量不可同日而语。对应英文:Because of the quality.

而现在日本面临着损失一大块国土的可能性,它的经济影响与切尔诺贝利是不可同日而语的。对应英文:And now Japan is faced with the possibility of loss a large piece of land, its economic impact and is a far cry from chernobyl.

当今欧洲人平均比100年前寿命长30年,收入是当时的五倍之多,民主自由程度已不可同日而语,整个欧洲66年内没发生过一次重大战争。对应英文:Today's europeans live 30 years longer than 100 years ago, the average income is five times as much at that time, degree of democracy and freedom has, not the whole of Europe 66 years happened in a major war.

可是尽管如此,虽然农民分遣队的实力和红军不可同日而语,但当他们胜利进军到游击队控制区的时候还是经常与红军发生冲突。对应英文:But even so, although the strength of the peasant detachments and the red army, but when they triumphal march to the guerrillas control area is often clashed with the red army.

一个长期在艺术氛围熏陶下的女生与那些只知“肤浅美”的女生不可同日而语。对应英文:A long-term in artistic atmosphere under the influence of girl with those who only know superficial beauty girl.

此种见解自然与实证主义史学的取向已不可同日而语。对应英文:Such insights into nature and orientation of positivist historiography has.

人们把他和维埃拉比较,但他们在球队的影响力却根本不可同日而语。对应英文:People call him and Patrick vieira, but their influence in the team is fundamental.

印度尼西亚的地位不断提高,越南的影响力也在日益扩大,这些国家在此次经济动荡中保持了良好运转,与十年前的窘迫境况不可同日而语。对应英文:The status of increasing the Indonesia, Vietnam's influence is also growing, these countries maintained a good run in the economic turmoil, with as much distress situation ten years ago.

帝国在华享受他们的特权,中国与亚洲崛起的日本已不可同日而语。对应英文:Empire enjoy their privileges in China, China with the rise of Asia's Japan has so far.

家财险及装修险的销量在逐渐上升,但与寿险和仍不可同日而语。对应英文:Home insurance and decorate insurance sales in gradually rise, but compared with life and still.

今天我们乘高速飞机横越北美大陆,与我们祖先驾低速四轮马车不可同日而语。对应英文:Today we take the high speed aircraft across North America, and to the slow covered wagons of our ancestors.

而美国的国家扶持政策跟欧洲不可同日而语,它的联邦政府可以向其选择的任何产业投入巨资。对应英文:With the European and American countries supporting policy, the federal government can invest heavily to its choice of any industry.

保罗.克鲁格曼:我喜欢这种思考。 但我认为后工业时代的帝国和前工业时代的帝国不可同日而语;不管好坏,我们不是罗马帝国。对应英文:Paul krugman: I like this kind of thinking.

公司的危机公关策略未必有所改变,但是,在 Google、Twitter 和 Facebook 的时代,执行方式与过去已经不可同日而语。对应英文:Corporate crisis public relations strategy may not be changed, but, in the age of Google, Twitter and Facebook, compared with the past has been the way of carrying.

那些封闭的系统虽然对我们有着重要的作用,但他们对社会的影响力和万维网不可同日而语,而且远远有万维网普及和深入。对应英文:The closed system although has an important role for us, but they influence to the society and the world wide web, and far have popularization and in-depth the world wide web.

瑞银(UBS AG)估计,大约有634家日本企业现在是“毒丸”在手,和2004年时的两家不可同日而语。对应英文:UBS (UBS AG) estimates that there are about 634 Japanese companies is now a "poison pill" in hand, and in 2004 the two.

所以尽管现在我非常忙碌工作也十分努力,但是压力不可同日而语。对应英文:So although I am very busy now work is very hard, but the pressure.

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