

忙得不可开交对应英文:Busy as a bee

有时候,温德尔忙得不可开交,他就会转向问我这方面的东西,他也和我讨论苹果II方面的固件细节。对应英文:Sometimes, Wendell busy as a bee, he would have to ask me about this thing, he also and I discuss the apple II firmware.

这场轻微的不和过去后,他们又亲密起来,并且在他们又是学生又是老师的各种工作上忙得不可开交。对应英文:The slight with the past, they close again, and in their students and the teacher of all kinds of work as busy as a bee.

而到了舞会之夜,她更忙得不可开交,几个姐妹都需要她帮助打点礼服和头发。对应英文:On the night of the PROM, she is more busy, sisters all need her to help fix dresses and hair.

而且即便你是忙得不可开交,可是在可能的时候,还是要花时间和其它员工进行交叉培训。对应英文:And even if you are busy, but whenever possible, or want to spend time with other staff to cross training.

这场轻微的不和过去后,他们又亲密起来,并且在他们又是学生又是老师的各种工作上忙得不可开交。对应英文:The slight with the past, they close again, and in their students and the teacher of all kinds of work as busy as a bee.

有时候,温德尔忙得不可开交,他就会转向问我这方面的东西,他也和我讨论苹果II方面的固件细节。对应英文:Sometimes, Wendell busy as a bee, he would have to ask me about this thing, he also and I discuss the apple II firmware.

而到了舞会之夜,她更忙得不可开交,几个姐妹都需要她帮助打点礼服和头发。对应英文:On the night of the PROM, she is more busy, sisters all need her to help fix dresses and hair.

当您的商务行程开始后,一切都忙得不可开交,难怪咱有时也被压得喘不过气来。对应英文:When after the start of your business trip, everything is very busy, it is no wonder that I sometimes is pressed out of breath.

大家都知道你(肩负重任),忙得不可开交,毕竟,这也是他们希望获得你的推荐或建议的原因所在。对应英文:You (do) is known to all, very busy, after all, this is what they hope to get your recommendations or Suggestions.

在欧洲和美国之外,主要粮食生产国的专利机构——包括阿根廷、巴西、中国、墨西哥和南非——也忙得不可开交。对应英文:Outside Europe and the United States, the Patent Office harvests in major grain-producing countries - including Argentina, Brazil, China, Mexico and South Africa - also busy as a bee.

中国已经多年没有过如此快速的失业率增长了,领导人们为此忙得不可开交。对应英文:China has been for many years without such rapid increased unemployment, leaders so busy as a bee.

他去了巴林,开始制作那张命运多舛的专辑,回到美国,他那一团糟的财务又让律师忙得不可开交。对应英文:He went to bahrain and started making the ill-fated album, back to the United States, the mess of his financial and let the lawyers busy as a bee.

通货膨胀和伊朗人质危机已经让吉米.卡特忙得不可开交了,这个烫手山芋可不是他想要的。对应英文:Inflation and the Iranian hostage crisis has let Jimmy. Jimmy Carter is busy, the hot potato is not he wanted.

虽然她不会直接要你帮忙,但是你最终还是帮了,即便这时候你也是忙得不可开交。对应英文:Although she does not directly to your help, but eventually you help, even when you are busy, too.

即便如此,迪士尼和皮克斯还是忙得不可开交。对应英文:Even so, Disney and pixar, or busy as a bee.

我给自己腾出点时间;格特鲁德很快便在司法部门开展了工作,忙得不可开交,我们都很开心,我呆在家里照看茱莉亚。对应英文:I give myself to vacate some time;

然而,处于在危机模式:在一些地区超过4,800的学校关闭,医疗机构忙得不可开交,实验室在不停的运作着。对应英文:However, is in crisis mode: in some areas more than 4800 schools closed, busy as a bee, medical institutions laboratory in runs.

然而,事实上很多面试官都是一些忙得不可开交的经理,在你坐到他们面前之前,根本没空去想到关于你的事情。对应英文:However, in fact many interviewers are busy manager, before you sit in front of them, simply doesn't have time to think about you.

为舞会卖票的差事我不想干,但由于大家都忙得不可开交,我就被说服了。对应英文:I don't want to do job of selling tickets for the party, but because everyone is busy, I was persuaded.

周四晚些时间,大概在开场前24小时,航母上忙得不可开交,舰面上的施工进程改头换面。对应英文:Late on Thursday, about 24 hours before the opening, the carrier as busy as a bee, construction process on the surface of the ship.

但有时候,我们久坐的生活忙得不可开交,就是没法抽几天出来锻炼。对应英文:However, sometimes our sedentary life as busy as a bee, just can't take exercise for a few days.

汽车制造对于谷歌来说,似乎只是个不必要的消遣。 现在围绕着谷歌的争论有很多,比如关于版权法的执行、劣质药品广告,以及其搜索内容在中国的审查等,因此谷歌现在正忙得不可开交。对应英文:Automobile manufacturing for Google, it seems that is just an unnecessary pastime.

史密斯先生由于工作忙得不可开交,他今天不能和我共进午餐。对应英文:Mr Smith is due to busy work, he can't have lunch with me today.

所以在过去的六个月里,每当经过这里并看到这些东西的时候,我就会倍感焦虑---“又有更多烦人的事要去做了,而我又已经忙得不可开交了”。对应英文:So in the past six months, whenever pass by here and see these things, I will feel anxiety - "have more annoying things to do, and I have been busy as a bee".

而眼下,帕尔莫可是忙得不可开交,很多好奇的人们都等着上这辆奇特的车过把车瘾,帕尔莫说:“它现在简直像个瑞士钟一样连轴转。”对应英文:For the moment, he has his busy, with more curious customers waiting to have a ride in his unique automobile which, he said: "it's like a Swiss clock."

当经济回到正轨的时候,我相信我们会忙得不可开交,”Dean说。对应英文:When the economy back on track, I believe we will be very busy, "Dean said.

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