

人敬有的对应英文:People respect others

你对别人尊敬,别人对你也会更尊敬!对应英文:You to show respect for others, you will also be more respect!

猴 ..........................对应英文:Monkey....

礼尚往来 对吧对应英文:Reciprocity

理强则弱伸,理大则小行,理上则下正,理身则人敬,此乃治国之道也。 译文】 "治乱"的政策,是说检查整顿中央和...所以治理国家的人,就好象画圆不能不用圆规,画方不能不用矩,...对应英文:Physical strong, weak extension, the university is small, and it is, the same as to respect, this is the way to run a country also. Translation] "things" policy, is said to check rectifying central and... So the governance of the country people, just like the circle without compasses, drawing not moment,...

你好,知道他们饲养骆驼、长角牛、羊及少量马匹,不知道是否敬爱它们对应英文:Hello, know their camels, Longhorn, sheep and a few horses, do not know whether the love they

"有的"就是说富有的,也就是说人一般都以富有的人为上为敬为畏 "丑的"是看起来不可靠的鬼祟的,狗的本职是看家,所以对于丑的形象不好的人会警惕。对应英文:"Others" is rich, that is to say people generally to the rich people to respect for fear of "ugly" is not look reliable sneaky, dog is the duty of housekeeping, so for the ugly image of bad people will alert.

得道多助合乎正义者就能得到多方面的支持与帮助对应英文:A just cause enjoys abundant support justice can get support and help in many aspects

人必其自敬也,而后人敬诸。 -- 杨雄《法言·君子》 意思是人一定要自爱,而后才能被他人所爱人一定要自尊,而后才能被他人尊敬。这句话强调了人要自尊自爱。自尊自爱,...对应英文:Will the self respect, and respect the people. -- Yang Xiong "method statement and gentleman" means one must love, then can be the wife must self-esteem, then can be the respect of others. This sentence emphasizes the people to self-esteem. Self esteem,...

假如说你很尊敬别人,那么相反过来。别人也会很尊敬你,因为你很优秀,很懂礼貌,所以别人也会以同样的方式回馈你。对应英文:If you respect others, so instead. People will respect you, because you are very good, very polite, so others will repay you in the same way.

日常起居要态度端庄,担任工作要敬慎认真,和人交往要忠心诚恳.对应英文:Daily life to a dignified manner, as work to Jingshen seriously, and human interaction to be faithful and sincere


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