

哑巴吃黄连对应英文:Dummy eat rhizoma coptidis
哑巴吃黄连   拼音:    解释: 1.歇后语。比喻有苦难言。黄连,药名,味苦。

哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。对应英文:Dummy eat rhizoma coptidis, have bitterness could not say.

姚明的缺阵,让盈方是哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出啊。对应英文:Yao's absence, let infront is dummy eat rhizoma coptidis, have bitterness could not say.

这件事谁也不知道, 他又不能对任何人提起, 真是哑巴吃黄连, 有苦说不出。对应英文:This matter who also don't know, he can't for anyone, is really a dummy eat rhizoma coptidis, have bitterness could not say.

姚明的缺阵,让盈方是哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出啊。对应英文:Yao's absence, let infront is dummy eat rhizoma coptidis, have bitterness could not say.

这件事谁也不知道, 他又不能对任何人提起, 真是哑巴吃黄连, 有苦说不出。对应英文:This matter who also don't know, he can't for anyone, is really a dummy eat rhizoma coptidis, have bitterness could not say.

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