

平地起孤丁对应英文:The ground Gu Ding
平地起孤丁的成语意思是无事生非,出自于元代康进的《李逵负荆》。词 目 平地起孤丁 发 音 píng dì qǐ gū dīng 

比喻无事生非。对应英文:Metaphor make trouble out of nothing.

壮丁 鸡丁 家丁 添丁 冷丁 尼古丁 男丁 白丁 兵丁 成丁 零丁 不识一丁 团丁 付之丙丁 平地起孤丁 紫花地丁 抓壮丁 抓丁 舆丁 渔丁 余丁 勇丁 婴丁 驿丁 役丁 义丁 遗...对应英文:Minced chicken son his servant Bai Ding and small single males meperidine nicotine illiterate group D to reduce to ashes from the ground kwuting Viola yedoensis Makino zhuazhuangding conscripted and Ding Yu Ding Ding Ding Yi Ding Yu Ding Yong Ying Ding Ding Yi battle righteousness...

目不识丁 连最普通的"丁"字也不认识。形容一个字也不认得。 平地起孤丁 比喻无事生非。 不知丁董 比喻不懂事,缺乏知识。 抽丁拔楔 比喻解决疑难。丁,"钉"的古字。 逢...对应英文:Not know a single word of even the most ordinary "d" word also don't know. Describe a word also don't know. The ground kwuting metaphors make trouble out of nothing. Buzhidingdong metaphor is not sensible, the lack of knowledge. Choudingbaxie analogy to solve difficult. Ding, "nail" the word. Feng...

平地起孤丁、素昧平生、人不聊生、橐甲束兵、半死半生、激浊扬清、多言繁称、云集响应、无德而称、燕蝠之争、...... 【年代】古代 【灯谜】最威风的人对应英文:The ground Gu Ding, have never met before, Renbuliaosheng, Tuojiashubing, Bansibansheng, looking, Duoyanfancheng, gather and support, unmoral, Yan bat debate,... [] in [] the most dignified ancient riddles written on lanterns

鲇鱼上竹竿 鲇鱼缘竹竿 驽马恋栈豆 女大不中留女大十八变 盘古开天地 皮笑肉不笑 平地起孤丁 平地一声雷 破鼓乱人捶骐骥困盐车 骑曹不记马 骑鹤上维扬 骑鹤上扬州 骑...对应英文:Catfish catfish margin on bamboo bamboo short-sighted women do not leave a big eighteen change Pan Gu created heaven and earth crafty plains Gu ding a sudden clap of thunder broken drum to beat steed trapped car ride Cao do not remember salt horse riding a crane on the Weiyang riding a crane on the Yangzhou riding...

鲇鱼上竹竿 鲇鱼缘竹竿 驽马恋栈豆 女大不中留 女大十八变 盘古开天地 皮笑肉不笑 平地起孤丁 平地一声雷 破鼓乱人捶 骐骥困盐车 骑曹不记马 骑鹤上维扬 骑鹤上扬州 ...对应英文:Catfish catfish margin on bamboo bamboo short-sighted women do not leave a big eighteen change Pan Gu created heaven and earth crafty plains Gu ding a sudden clap of thunder broken drum to beat steed trapped car ride Cao do not remember salt horse riding a crane on the Weiyang riding a crane on the Yangzhou...

鲇鱼缘竹竿 驽马恋栈豆 女大不中留 女大十八变 盘古开天地 皮笑肉不笑 平地起孤丁 平地一声雷 破鼓乱人捶 骐骥困盐车 骑曹不记马 骑鹤上维扬 骑鹤上扬州 骑鹤望扬州 ...对应英文:Catfish edge bamboo short-sighted women do not leave a big eighteen change Pan Gu created heaven and earth crafty plains Gu ding a sudden clap of thunder broken drum to beat steed trapped car ride Cao do not remember salt horse riding a crane on the Weiyang riding a crane on the Yangzhou riding up Strelitzia Yangzhou...

平地风波 平地上起风浪。比喻突然发生意料不到的纠纷或事故。 平头正脸 形容相貌端正。 平地起孤丁 比喻无事生非。 平治天下 平平定天下指全中国。治理国家,使天...对应英文:Wind up an unexpected occurrence on the ground. Metaphor of sudden unexpected dispute or accident. Describe the appearance neat appearance. The ground kwuting metaphors make trouble out of nothing. Set the world full Chinese refers to creat a prosperous and peaceful world peace. The governance of the country, so that day...

梦撒撩丁 不识一丁 零丁孤苦 付之丙丁 文搜丁甲 逢吉丁辰 孤苦零丁 瘦骨零丁 眼不识丁 未识一丁 抽丁拔楔 平地起孤丁 丁是丁,卯是卯对应英文:Mengsaliaoding illiterate friendless and penniless to reduce to ashes Wensoudingjia Fengjidingchen lonely and helpless thin bone Lingding eye not Ding Weishiyiding Choudingbaxie plains Gu Ding Ding Shiding, Mao is the bases

同"梦撒寮丁"。 梦撒寮丁 见"梦撒撩丁"。 平地起孤丁 比喻无事生非。 文搜丁甲 文章精妙感动神灵。丁甲,神名,即六丁六甲神。 未识一丁 丁"个"的讹字。不认识一个字,...对应英文:With the "Mengsaliaoding". Mengsaliaoding see "Mengsaliaoding". The ground kwuting metaphors make trouble out of nothing. The subtle Wensoudingjia touched by the gods. Ding Jia, God, the six butyl god. Weishiyiding Ding "a" false words. Do not know a word,...


 元·康进之《李逵负荆》第二折:“休怪我村沙样势,平地上起孤堆。” 示 例 元·康进之《李逵负荆》第二折:“休怪我村沙样势,平地上起孤堆。” 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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