

觥饭不及壶飧对应英文:Big rice pot, too

词 目

发 音
gōng fàn bù jí hú sūn

释 义

出 处

示 例




犹恐失之 有过之无不及 攻其一点,不及其余 无所不及 诈奸不及 不及之法 觥饭不及壶飧 始愿不及此 驷不及舌 有过之,无不及 望尘不及 后悔不及 力所不及 捷雷不及掩耳 ...对应英文:Fear of loss of the go even farther than prejudiced criticism. Nothing is impossible Bujizhifa big rice pot rape than less, only to less than this Sibujishe with knobs on fall far behind too late for regrets beyond one's strength one's power Jielei ears...

浮光掠影 浮家泛宅 浮云朝露 斧钺汤镬 付之东流 付诸东流 赴汤蹈火 覆水难收 高屋建瓴 绠短汲深 觥饭不及壶飧 固若金汤 管窥蠡测 海底捞月 海枯见底 海枯石烂 海纳百...对应英文:Life is like an empty dream all one's efforts wasted a floating family and a drifting abode skimming over the surface Fuyuetanghuo cast to waste water Spilled water cannot be gathered up. sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height but not as strong as iron pot rice small talent in high position, strive for the impossible to the benighted khanazir hundred...

朝饔夕飧、朝飧、传飧、风飧水宿、睹貎献飧、睹貌献飧、饭飧、废寝忘飧、觥饭不及壶飧、簋飧、壶飧、狼飧虎咽、馈飧、漂母飧、盘飧、柈飧。对应英文:Zhaoyongxisun, toward the sun, sun, wind, water su, see great offer, offer, see appearance, meal, sleep, "forget, big rice pot, too,,,,,, bronze pot wolf sun tiger pharynx, fed,,,,, Pan washerwoman, disc.

多用在对方对自己客气,虽不敢当,但不好违命。 觥饭不及壶飧 丰盛的酒肴没有准备好,不如一壶水泡饭可以解除饥饿。比喻事情很急,不能等待。 狗彘不...对应英文:In the other side of their kind, although I don't deserve it, but not disobey. Big rice pot, not rich food and drink not ready, not a pot of water paofan can relieve hunger. Figurative the matter is urgent, can not wait. The dog Zhi not...

恭敬不如从命 客套话。多用在对方对自己客气,虽不敢当,但不好违命。 觥饭不及壶飧 丰盛的酒肴没有准备好,不如一壶水泡饭可以解除饥饿。比喻事情很急,不能等待。 狗彘...对应英文:If you compliment. In the other side of their kind, although I don't deserve it, but not disobey. Big rice pot, not rich food and drink not ready, not a pot of water paofan can relieve hunger. Figurative the matter is urgent, can not wait. The dog zhi...

虿作于怀袖(六字成语)杀鸡焉用牛刀(六字成语)恭敬不如从命(六字成语)狗彘不食其余(六字成语)觥饭不及壶飧(六字成语)顾左右而言他(六字成语)敢怒而不敢言(六字成语)对应英文:Some in the bosom sleeve (six character idioms) break a butterfly (six words) if you insist (six character idioms lewd) rest (six character idioms) from rice pot, too (six character idioms) look the other way (six character idioms) angry but not daring to speak (six words)

河海不择细流 过屠门而大嚼 贵冠履轻头足 敢怒而不敢言 顾左右而言他 觥饭不及壶飧 狗彘不食其余 恭敬不如从命 割鸡焉用牛刀 蜂虿作于怀袖 丰年玉荒年谷 风马牛不相及...对应英文:River is not the small streams feed oneself on illusions crown shoe light head and foot dare anger but dare not say look the other way from rice pot, lewd not rest if you cut the chicken a butterfly bee scorpion in the bosom sleeve harvest jade famine valley have no relevance...

及瓜而代 疾雷不及掩耳 及时行乐 急不及待 可望而不可及 噬脐莫及 及笄年华 攻其一点,不及其余 觥饭不及壶飧 管见所及 及宾有鱼 鞭长不及 懊悔无及 不可企及 始愿不及...对应英文:To be replaced from a job disease mine ears be anxious to enjoy pleasure in good time miles away it is too late to repent. Jiji time prejudiced criticism from rice pot, not limited outlook and Penn have fish Bianchangbuji Aohuiwuji far beyond one's reach only to wait...

为玉帛何其相似乃尔滑天下之大稽河海不择细流过屠门而大嚼贵冠履轻头足敢怒而不敢言顾左右而言他觥饭不及壶飧狗彘不食其余恭敬不如从命割鸡焉用牛刀蜂虿作于怀袖丰年...对应英文:Their very alike to be the biggest joke in the world "not choose fine through a surname while munching your crown shoe light head and foot dare anger but dare not say look the other way from rice pot, lewd not rest if you cut the chicken a butterfly bee scorpion in the bosom sleeve harvest...

婆说婆有理公私兼顾公私两便公听并观公正廉明公正无私公之于众公诸同好公子哥儿公子王孙觥筹交错觥饭不及壶飧弓调马服弓折刀尽躬逢其盛躬耕乐道躬体力行躬行节俭躬行...对应英文:Both said that both right Gongsijiangu advantageous to both public and private interest be impartial to... A playboy reveal to the public hearing and view impartial and clean share enjoyment with those having similar tastes sons of princes and nobles toast each other big meal than pot bubbling with noise, Gongdiaomafu meets its full bow till attend personally personally practise thrifty in practice...


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