

心有余而力不足对应英文:The heart is unable to do
心有余而力不足,拼为xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú,指心里非常想做,但是力量不够。出自《论语•里仁》。

他最终心有余而力不足。对应英文:He finally the heart is unable to do.

呵呵,心有余而力不足了吧?怎么不住学校呀?还要去什么地方玩?对应英文:Ha ha, the heart is unable to do?

大卫,我也很想帮助你,但我实在是心有余而力不足。对应英文:David, I also want to help you, but I really is the heart is unable to do.

呵呵,心有余而力不足了吧?怎么不住学校呀?还要去什么地方玩?对应英文:Ha ha, the heart is unable to do?

大卫,我也很想帮助你,但我实在是心有余而力不足。对应英文:David, I also want to help you, but I really is the heart is unable to do.

做出最终的决定是痛苦的,于是我试着把安慰给予那些悲痛的宠物主人,但经常感到心有余而力不足。对应英文:Make the final decision is painful, so I tried to comfort for those grieving pet owners, but often feel the heart is unable to do.

就像佛法希望普渡众生一样,看着亲友遭遇苦难,我也好希望可以帮到他们,却还是心有余而力不足。对应英文:Like the dharma hope purdue beings, watching friends and relatives of affliction, I wish I can help them, but still the heart is unable to.

如果欧元区真的崩溃了,IMF,这个能够收拾残局的机构,也会因为缺少资金和信用而心有余而力不足。对应英文:If the eurozone really collapse, the IMF, this will be able to pick up the pieces, also because of lack of money and credit and the heart is unable to do.

他不是不愿意帮助你,而是他心有余而力不足。对应英文:He doesn't like to help you, but his heart is more.

加上教师对新课程理解的不透彻,对怎样写出符合新课程要求的教案心有余而力不足。对应英文:With teachers' understanding of the new curriculum is not thorough, the how to write to meet the requirements of the new curriculum teaching plans and the heart is unable to.

可以说是心有余而力不足呀,主要因为当时根本没有渡海作战的能力。对应英文:Can be said to be the heart is unable to do ah, mainly because at that time no across the sea combat ability.

海豚虽然非常乐意助战,但是心有余而力不足,因为,他无论如何,都上不了岸。对应英文:Dolphins are very happy to be with, but the heart is unable to, because, anyway, he is on the shore.

若缺乏行之有效的政治改革,幸福经济指数必将“心有余而力不足”,唐昊在我们幸福指数系列的第二篇文章中写道。对应英文:If the lack of effective political reform, economic happiness index will "inadequate" unable to do what, tang hao in our happiness index series wrote in the second article.

而超重的宠物则心有余而力不足,很快上气不接下气,不得不频繁休息,无法跟上主人的节奏。对应英文:While overweight pets, unable to do soon out of breath, have to rest frequently, unable to keep up with the rhythm of the master.

本来不想去的,因为自己的身体老有不适,也是有余心而力不足啊!对应英文:Originally don't want to go, because their bodies have not old, heart and also is unable to do!

俗语心有余而力不足xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/111.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú

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