

凉从脚下生对应英文:Cold from the foot of students

一般情况下,脚凉会有两种原因一是当人体内的阳气不足的时候,不能推动气血周身正常循环,故而出现脚凉。二...脚的保暖,正如俗话所说寒从脚下起,如果下肢保暖做得好,全身都...对应英文:In general, the foot cool and will have two kinds of reason is when the human body Yang Qi deficiency, Qi and blood can not promote the body normal circulation, therefore appear feet cool. Two... Feet warm, as the saying goes cold starting from the foot, warm well if lower extremity, the body...

不是有一种电加热毯的嘛。这块毯子就是热的,脚放上面就不会冷对应英文:There is not a kind of electric heating blanket. This carpet is hot, not cold feet

当然是多喝点开水!一天保证至少五次小便,在暖和的地方!很快就好!对应英文:Of course, is to drink boiling water! A day to ensure that at least five times to urinate, in a warm place soon enough!

那首先就要考虑保暖,特别要注意腿、脚,正如俗话所说"寒从脚下起",如果下肢保暖做得好,全身都会觉得暖和。另外可以适当做些运动,以促进血液循环。同时还可以进行一些食...对应英文:The first is to consider the warm, with particular attention to the legs, feet, as the saying goes "cold starting from the foot", warm well if lower extremity, the body will feel warm. In addition can be appropriate to do some sports, in order to promote blood circulation. At the same time, can also make some food...

就是老人家说的,发尿急. 如果 是老人家的话,她们可以在山上找到草药煲水给冲二三次凉后,就不会有这种情况.(尿臭也可以喔) 若是在镇上的话,通常街会有这此草药卖. 若...对应英文:Is the old man said, send the urgency. If the elderly, they can find the herb pot of water in the mountains to take two or three cool, won't have this kind of situation. (urine odor can be oh) in town, usually with these herbs Street will sell. If...

或者是你身体的内脏器官出现了问题,像肾虚啊等等,都会引起脚凉的建议你去看看中医,抓几副中药调理一下如果仅限于冬季那么要注意保暖哦,总之脚凉不可忽视,正常健康的...对应英文:Or is your body's organs like kidney problems, and so on, will cause the foot cool suggest you go and check of TCM, grab some medicine conditioning click if only in winter to keep warm Oh, short feet cool can not be ignored, normal and healthy...

凉气是从脚下往上走的.保暖先注意脚.对应英文:Wind is from the foot up. Warm to pay attention to the feet

烫脚能改善微循环,但是提升自身的阳气达到阴阳平衡才是真正的健康。建议您去看一次中医,听听医生对你的健康状况的说法,这样心里会踏实些。总之,自己感觉与一般人不一...对应英文:Hot feet can improve the microcirculation, but enhance its Yang balance of yin and Yang is the real health. Suggest you go to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, listen to the health of your argument, so will feel at ease. In short, and most people do not have a feeling...

够热量 二多多运动,充足睡眠 三常常运动,开心快乐 四生活规律,注意保暖!对应英文:Enough calories to Erduoduo exercise, adequate sleep three to exercise, happy four patterns of life, pay attention to keep warm!

你好,因人而异,别乱吃药,没事的,别多想,最好上医院看看吧,彻彻底底治好,要不你不放心。对应英文:Hello, differ from man to man, do not take medicine in disorder, okay, don't think, the best to the hospital to have a look, thorough cure, or you don't trust.


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