

物壮则老对应英文:Zhuang is the old object

所谓"物壮则老,是为不道,不道早已",意思是说事物发展壮大到一定程度之后就会衰落,这个时候与其与自然相抗衡,勉励为之,还不如知止不殆,急流勇退,以积蓄新的力量。对应英文:The so-called "Zhuang is old, is not, not Tao", meaning that things develop to a certain extent will decline, this time with natural contend for, encouraged, not measurably, retire, in order to accumulate new power.

凡事用强之后必转而衰老,这是不符合道法的, 不符合道法的事物,必会遭受到早日灭亡的恶果。对应英文:Everything will turn with strong after aging, which is not in accordance with the law, does not conform to the law of things, will be subjected to an early death.

事物太强大了就容易衰败,这就不符合自然之道,知道这个道理就应该早停止(这种不符合自然之道的行为)也就是说体育锻炼也得适可而止,并不是说反对体育锻炼。对应英文:Things too strong to decline, which does not conform to the Tao of nature, know this truth should be early stop (this does not conform to the Tao of nature behavior) that physical exercise is not overdo sth., not to say against physical exercise.

老子的观念一般是做任何事不要达到极致,达到极致反而有害。所以他才说物壮则老,是谓不道,不道早已。就是说事物过于壮,不符合大道,不符合大道就会早点消亡。道德经是...对应英文:The idea of me is generally do anything not to reach the extreme, extreme but harmful. So he said things Zhuang is old, it is not, do not tao. That is to say anything too strong, not in conformity with the road, do not meet the road will soon die. The Scripture of Ethics.

现指为正义而战的军队斗志旺盛,所向无敌。 【威武雄壮】威力强大,壮盛有气势。 【物壮则老】壮壮实,强壮老老死。事物壮盛到了极点就会衰朽。指一切事物盛极必衰的...对应英文:Now refers to fight for justice army scrappy, invincible. [] magnificent, powerful, strong momentum. [material] strong old strong strong, strong old. Things to the extreme will decay of Zhuang sheng. All things Sheng very bad...

.重为轻根,静为躁君。轻则失根,躁则失君。 .物壮则老,是谓不道,不道早已。 .夫兵者,不祥之器,物或恶之,故有道者不处。 .吉事尚左,凶事尚右。偏将军居左,上将...对应英文:. weight is root of light, static manic monarch. Light is lost, the foundation is missing you. . Zhuang is old, it is not, do not tao. When her husband, ominous, or evil, it is not the proper way. What is left. Good, evil is right. Pian Jiang Jun left, admiral...

坦坦之衢,万人所趋。蒙一布武,化为畏途。人或誉之,百说徒虚人或排之,半言有余。物壮则老,乃惟其常否终则倾,亦不可长。老先期而骤至兮,否逾数而叵量。虽一夫之不获兮...对应英文:The Qu Tan, 000 people tend. A cloth Wu, as a dangerous road. People or praise, Bai said acts virtual people or rows, say more than half. Physical Zhuang is old, but it is often not the end is inclined, also can not be long. The old pre and flash to Xi, not more than the number and amount of the south. Although the husband was not...

岩壁,峭石,被霞光染得赤红,渐渐地又变成古铜色,与绿的树、绿的田互为映衬,显得分外壮美。对应英文:The rock, Qiao Shi, a red dye was Xiaguang, gradually turn brown, and green trees, green fields of each other against the background, particularly the sublime.

最佳答案见过公元前年的一天,孔子对弟子南宫敬叔说"周之守藏室史老聃,博古通今,知礼乐之源,明道德之要。今吾欲去周求教,汝愿同去否"南宫敬叔欣然同意,随即报请鲁...对应英文:The best answer seen BC day, Confucius to disciple Nangong Jing Shu said "week defended Tibetan room history laodan, very learned, gentle music source, the moral will. Today I go to Zhou Qiujiao, you would like to not "Nangong Jing Shu readily agreed to, immediately reported to the guru...

物老则壮。人老了,阅历就丰富,所谓"世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章"事物老了,就成熟,就会有收获事情做得久了,老于此事,就会成为一种修为,成为一种追求完美的道德行为...对应英文:Old is strong. Old people, experience is rich, the so-called "knowledge fertilization holes, human sophistication that article" something old, mature, there will be harvest things for a long time, in the matter, will become a kind of culture, become a kind of pursuit of the perfect moral behavior...


出处:《老子》第五十五章:“物壮则老,谓之不道,不道早已。” 示例:伏以~,肃役所以成岁功;否终必倾,反复然后知天意。 ★宋·苏轼《贺正启》 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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