

美女三日看厌对应英文:Three see beauty

号的算么 朴有天 我只知道他的了对应英文:No. you count Park Yu Chun I know him

(如果要爬山,徒步两小时可到上清宫,有老人的话还是做索道吧) 另外,有个地方也应该去看看,台东商业街,是青岛最热闹的地方,台东旁边就是登州路啤酒街,可以感受啤酒节的...对应英文:(if you want to climb the mountain, you can to the palace, the old man walked two hours or cableway.) in addition, there is a place also should go to have a look, Taitung commercial street, Qingdao is the most bustling place, Taitung is next to the way Dengzhou beer street, you can feel the beer festival...

我刚也看舞动奇迹了 特喜欢苏醒 内首歌是英文舞曲' 嘿嘿对应英文:I just looked like dancing miracle the awakening in the song is English dance '

是不是有五个人,应该是,唱的《.》对应英文:Is it right? Five people, should be, "sing"


湖南电视台主持人孙骁骁 ,曾出演我的青春在延安对应英文:Hunan TV host Sun Xiaoxiao, who starred in my youth in Yanan

看起来非常舒服,而且是超级耐看的美女!!!! 长泽雅美(年月日 - )静冈县磐田市出身的日本女演员。所属事务所为东宝艺能。堀越高等学校毕业。身高。父亲是前日...对应英文:It looks very comfortable, and is a super handsome beauty!!!! Masami Nagasawa (September) Shizuoka Prefecture Iwata born Japanese actress. The firms to Dongbao art. Graduated from Horikoshi high school. Height. Father is the day before yesterday...

以优美的歌舞欢喜,嬉戏淫乐没有厌倦的时候,骄纵淫逸没有时间的认知,恨不得天下的美女都来供他片刻的淫乐,这些都是----皮肤滥淫之蠢物】【皮肤滥淫之蠢物】抱歉啊,这句...对应英文:In a graceful dance of joy, when Lust not tired of playing, proud debauchery no time cognition, hate the world beauty for him a moment of pleasure, these are -- skin over her stupid] [them] our skin over the sorry, this sentence...

只不过是喜欢容貌,喜欢唱歌跳舞,不厌烦调情说笑,心情好坏不定时,恨不得能网罗天下的美女来提供给我哪怕片刻的兴趣,这些都是皮肤滥淫的愚蠢的东西罢了对应英文:Just like beauty, like singing and dancing, not boring flirting and laughing, good or bad mood not timing, hate to snare the world beauty to give me even a moment of interest, these are stupid things over her skin

爱情的幸福是什么 ...幸福就是顺其自然吧。美女是别人的,别爱。老婆是自己的,别厌。人生是痛苦的,别迷。活着是短暂的,别慌...对应英文:The happiness of love is what happiness is to let it be... Beauty is others, love. Wife is their own, do not. Life is painful, don't lose. Life is short, don't panic...


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