

开弓不射箭对应英文:Though not archery

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锡伯族人喜爱骑马射箭。因而,锡伯族享有"射箭民族"的美誉。他们能歌善舞,"东布尔"是锡伯族特有的弹拨乐器...他们时而跃马扬鞭进行跑马竞赛,时而开弓搭箭开展射箭比赛,...对应英文:Like riding archery Xibe people. So, enjoy "archery Xibe Nationality" in the world. They are good at singing and dancing, "East Boolean" is plucked instruments... Xibe unique they are racing and march forward courageously, and draw an arrow in the archery competition,...

运动员射箭时用力拉开弓,在放开弓的瞬间,弓的(弹性势能 )能转化为箭的动能,箭在空中向上运动的过程中箭的动能不断变(小 )箭的重力势能变(大 )对应英文:Athletes archery pulled hard bow, bow in the opening moments, bow (elastic potential energy into the kinetic energy of the arrow), kinetic energy arrow arrow upward movement in the air continuously variable (small) change of gravitational potential energy of the arrow (large)

其实当时骑士鄙视的并不是弓箭手,骑士所看不起的是弩手,就当是的情况来说训练一个弩手非常的简单,一个弩手...完全可以达到在马上开弓射箭的地步,比如说蒙古就是弓骑兵为...对应英文:At that time the knight looked down and not the archer, Knight despised is crossbowmen, as is the case for training a crossbowman is very simple, a crossbowman... Can be achieved in immediately bow archery point, such as Mongolia's cavalry is...

是中国传统弓箭。扳指开弓只是个人习惯问题,早期的满族、蒙族骑兵在骑射时为了方便搭箭开始采用了扳指开弓,这样有一个对指动作,使得箭在马背颠簸中不至于跌落。自己...对应英文:Is China traditional bow. Is a matter of personal habits of Manchu, Mongolian cavalry to pull open, early in order to facilitate the horsemanship and archery arrow start the fingerstall there, so there is a finger to finger movement, the arrow on the horseback bumps does not drop. Own.

右撇子为例站直侧立,两脚一前一后分开同肩宽,左手握住(就是弓中间的部位,我不知道怎么翻译),右手拉弦,只用三根手指拉弦,大拇指尖指向食指内侧,小拇指放空状态...对应英文:Right-handed for example stand straight side, front and rear feet shoulder width apart, the left hand holds the (middle part is the bow, I don't know how to translate), right hand pull string, use three fingers to pull the strings, the thumb tip pointing finger little finger inside, empty state...

射箭产生于何时不可考证,但是蒙古史诗产生的遥远年代就有关于对射箭的精彩描绘,《蒙古秘史》为我们提供了...蒙古的骑兵弓箭手,从不可思议的远方开弓,箭直接射到敌人面前...对应英文:Archery produced when not textual research, but far from Mongolia's epic is a wonderful description of archery, "the secret history of Mongolia" provides... Mongolia cavalry archers for us, from afar there unbelievable, arrow directly onto the face of the enemy...

采檀的人看到蟒蛇之后,就从远处开弓,朝蟒蛇所据的大树射箭以作标记,等到蟒蛇离开之后再去采伐。 &...对应英文:After mining Tan people see the python, from far away there, toward the python according to tree archery to marking, wait until the pythons left after harvesting.

。。身为一名射击运动员的我(射击和射箭在一起)为你说明吧。呵呵。 首先,要看你的年龄。---岁。要不你拉不开弓。其次,去你所在的地市的体校射箭队,叫教练员测试你...对应英文:.. As an athlete I (shooting and archery together) for you. Ha-ha. First, look at your age. - years old. Or do you not to draw the bow. Secondly, to your city sports archery team coaches, called the test you...

采檀的人看到蟒蛇之后,就从远处开弓,朝蟒蛇所据的大树射箭以作标记,等到蟒蛇离开之后再去采伐。 ,  檀香木雕刻出来的工艺品更可谓珍贵无比。家中摆放芳馨经久。檀香...对应英文:After mining Tan people see the python, from far away there, toward the python according to tree archery to marking, wait until the pythons left after harvesting. , sandalwood carved crafts is precious. Put the fragrant and home. Sandalwood...


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