

捆绑不成夫妻对应英文:Bundling is not as husband and wife

找了一个不爱你的人结婚对应英文:Find a didn't love the person you married

你的问题貌似不是社会保险的。社保是不需要捆绑的,社保是企业为职工参保缴费,与配偶没有任何关系啊。对应英文:Your question seems not social insurance. Social security is not required for binding, social security is the enterprise as the insurance payment, without any relationship with a spouse.

不变态~!~ 个人爱好~!对应英文:No metamorphosis ~! ~ personal hobbies!

捆绑成夫妻 -柯尔克孜族婚俗对应英文:Bundled into couples - Kyrgyz wedding

苏州夫妻捆绑加蕾丝吊带太疯狂种子下载地址对应英文:Suzhou couple tied with lace straps too crazy seed download address

在百度中输入"捆绑"可以搜出很多篇捆绑故事对应英文:Input "bundling" can be found on many articles in Baidu story in bundle

为了提高夫妻情趣,这个是对互相都有益的事情,可以研究下!对应英文:In order to improve the couple fun, this is the mutually beneficial thing, can be studied under the!

如果你在深圳有参保缴纳医疗保险,你就可以绑定你老婆的医保帐户为家庭户,你老婆的医保帐户余额超过元以上的部分才可以供家庭成员使用。 如果你只在外地参保医疗保...对应英文:If you have insurance payment of medical insurance in Shenzhen, you can bind your wife insurance account for households, balance your wife's medical insurance accounts more than yuan part just for the use of family members. If you only in the field of medical insurance system...

以问下自己,他这样子和你做,比起他直接和你做,哪种会令你感觉到高潮 手背过去不舒服,可以让他将你的手摆在前面,或者在后面用垫子垫住就好。 这算不上有心里疾病,就像...对应英文:To ask themselves, he like this and you do, than he directly and you do, which would it make you feel to the climax of the past uncomfortable, so he can put your hand in front of, or behind a cushion pad live good. This is a heart disease not, like...

应该两个人都按住上键和右键 ,但要有先后之分,间隔时间要短,你可以试一下,我现在不容易玩,就我自己,你先试试吧!对应英文:Should two people press on the key and the right key, but to have successively, interval should be short, you can try, I'm not easy to play, just myself, you try it!


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