

莫与儿孙作马牛对应英文:Mo and for the children and grandchildren horse and cattle

又思量、建节封侯。假若金银过北斗。置下万顷良田,盖起百尺高楼。儿孙自有儿孙福,莫与儿孙作马牛。贪利禄。竞虚名,惹机勾。岂知身似、水上浮沤。贪恋气财并酒色,不肯...对应英文:Also consider, built section of marquis. If gold and silver beidou. The next million hectares of fertile farmland, cover 100 feet high. Sons Sunfu has its own son, Mo and for the children and grandchildren horse and cattle. Greedy for wealth. Competitive reputation, making machine hook. Know the body like, floating retting. For gas money and debauchery, refused to...

莫为儿孙作远忧。 --元关汉卿《包待制三勘蝴蝶梦》楔子 儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙作马牛--《增广贤文》 就是不用你为你的儿孙担心,他们自然有自己的能耐,有他们自己的...对应英文:Mo son Sun Zuoyuan about. Guan Hanqing - yuan "packet to be three prospecting butterfly dream" wedge sons Sunfu has its own son, Mo for cattle and horses for the children and grandchildren -- "augmented" is not kind of your children and grandchildren worry, they naturally have their own ability, have their own...

儿孙自有儿孙的路要走,他们是好是坏全看他们自己,不要为儿孙操心太多,尤其不要事事代劳包办。对应英文:The children and grandchildren their own way to go, they're good or bad depends on their own, not to Sun Cao heart too much, especially not to do an.

有田不耕仓廪虚,有书不读子孙愚, 仓廪虚兮岁月乏,子孙愚兮礼义疏。 同君一席话,胜读十年书。人不通今古,... 儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙作马牛。 人生不满百,常怀千岁忧。...对应英文:No tillage field: a false, do not read the book children fool, granary virtual Xi years spent, Yu Xi Li Yi Shu children. And the king said, than from ten years of reading. People not heritage,... Children Sunfu has its own son, Mo for cattle and horses for the children and grandchildren. Life hundred, often chitose worry. ...

也就是说老人是应该照顾子女的,但当子女成年时,老人也该放手让子女自己创造自己的生活,老人也该轻松享受晚年。诣在让老人不要过分的担忧子女对应英文:It is said that the old man should take care of the children, but when the adult children, the elderly should also let the children create their own life, the old man should also enjoy old age. Go in for the elderly should not be too worried about children

儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙作马牛。人生不满百,常怀千岁忧。今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日忧。路逢险处难回避,事到头来不自由。药能医假病,酒不解真愁。 .可能跟更年期...对应英文:Sons Sunfu has its own son, Mo for cattle and horses for the children and grandchildren. Life hundred, often chitose worry. Enjoy while one can worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow. Lu Feng danger place hard to avoid, in the end is not free. Medicine can cure sick, what really worries about wine. With menopause...

有田不耕仓廪虚,有书不读子孙愚。 仓廪虚兮岁月乏,子孙愚兮礼义疏。 同君一席话,胜读十年书。 人不通今古... 儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙作马牛。 人生不满百,常怀千岁忧。...对应英文:No tillage field: a false, do not read the book of Zi Sunyu. The granary virtual Xi time spent, Yu Xi Li Yi Shu children. And the king said, than from ten years of reading. People not Heritage... Sons Sunfu has its own son, Mo for cattle and horses for the children and grandchildren. Life hundred, often chitose worry. ...

儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙作马牛。人生不满百,常怀千岁忧。今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日忧。路逢险处难回避,事到头来不自由。药能医假病,酒不解真愁。对应英文:Sons Sunfu has its own son, Mo for cattle and horses for the children and grandchildren. Life hundred, often chitose worry. Enjoy while one can worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow. Lu Feng danger place hard to avoid, in the end is not free. Medicine can cure sick, what really worries about wine.

不满意,不满意哪里,具体问题在哪里,人在不同环境,不同年龄段下,考虑问题方式也是不同的不能一眼定乾坤,就认定适合或不适合。让孩子女友多来,以便更多了解对方的优缺点...对应英文:Not satisfied, not satisfied with the specific problems where, where, in different environment, different ages, different thinking mode is not a universe, that is suitable or not suitable. Let the children more than his girlfriend, in order to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of each other...

这是一个形声字,声旁为"马",形旁为"女",表示性别。 母亲把子女抚养长大就完成了任务。 现在的父母,要学会解放自己,比如退休后,老两口去旅游啊,或者干自己喜欢的事。 教...对应英文:This is a phonogram, phonetic for "horse", meaning "female", said the sex. Mother to bring up children completed the task. Now parents, to learn the liberation of their own, such as retirement, the two old people go to travel, or doing something you love. Teach...


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