

功夫不负有心人对应英文:Everything comes to him who waits
 功夫不负有心人的意思:只要用心去做一件事,就会取得成功。说明事情的成功,在于肯付出辛勤的劳动。“功夫不负有心人”是一句很有名的俗语(谚语),它告诉人们只要勤奋、认真地对待所做的事,就没有什么做不成的,只要你付出了,你的努力就不会辜负你。目录 解释 事例:  解释   功夫:①本领;造诣 ②指武术 ③同 “工夫” (指占用的时间)。本句指③。   负:对不起 。   有心人:有志愿,肯努力,肯动脑

某一刻你会发现功夫不负有心人,你开始看到整个世界充满和谐的色彩,你开始能够为支持你平衡的生活方式做决定。对应英文:At some point you'll find everything comes to him who waits, you begin to see the world is full of harmonious color, you can start to support balanced lifestyle you make a decision.

我们可以这样总结, 英语阅读的提高等于真确的方法加上毅力和恒心,功夫不负有心人,有付出就一定会有回报的。对应英文:We can concluded that the improvement of English reading is equal to the correct method combined with persistence and perseverance, everything comes to him who waits, have pay will have return.

终于,功夫不负有心人,我付出的汗水得到了收获。对应英文:Finally, everything comes to him who waits, I pay a sweat to get the harvest.

某一刻你会发现功夫不负有心人,你开始看到整个世界充满和谐的色彩,你开始能够为支持你平衡的生活方式做决定。对应英文:At some point you'll find everything comes to him who waits, you begin to see the world is full of harmonious color, you can start to support balanced lifestyle you make a decision.

我们可以这样总结, 英语阅读的提高等于真确的方法加上毅力和恒心,功夫不负有心人,有付出就一定会有回报的。对应英文:We can concluded that the improvement of English reading is equal to the correct method combined with persistence and perseverance, everything comes to him who waits, have pay will have return.

为了收集一些能帮东主省钱的好方法,本刊记者全面出击,功夫不负有心人,他们果真寻访到了一些“高招”以供大家分享。对应英文:Whose proprietor to collect some can do to help a good way to save money, your correspondent comprehensive attack, everything comes to him who waits, were they really search for some "tricks" for all to share.

功夫不负有心人,经过我的不懈努力,在刚刚结束的期末考试中,我考了满分。对应英文:Everything comes to him who waits, after my unremitting efforts, in the just concluded the final exam, I got full marks.

功夫不负有心人,克里斯·加德纳最终凭借自己的努力,脱颖而出,获得了股票经纪人的工作,后来创办了自己的公司。对应英文:Everything comes to him who waits, Chris Gardner ultimately rely on our own efforts, to stand out, won the stock broker's work, then set up his own company.

功夫不负有心人,我,一个中招考试374分的学生,这次考试成为班级第十名。对应英文:Everything comes to him who waits, I, an overall examination of 374 students, the examination to become the first ten class.

“功夫不负有心人”,终于锁定了TRIM22分子!对应英文:"Everything comes to him who waits", finally locked TRIM22 molecule!

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