

事不为不成对应英文:The matter is not impossible

路不走永远到不了目的的,事不去做永远永远不会成功对应英文:Roads do not go never reach the goal, not do things will never succeed

话,爱过了伤过了痛过了,要想完全的忘记谈何容易,能够真正做到忘记的又有几人,也许是绝对不可能的,也是在骗自己,有些记忆只能深深的埋藏在脑海里直至永远,只是用时间来...对应英文:So, love the hurt and pain before, want to completely forget easier said than done, can really forget how many people, perhaps is absolutely impossible, is kidding themselves, some memory can only be buried deep in my mind forever, just use the time to...

说起话来就不顺当合理,说话不顺当合理,事情就办不成。出自《论语》 名正才能言顺。所谓不在其位,不谋其政,如果你要想做一件事,可是这件事本来不属于你管,或者说你还...对应英文:Speak not smoothly, don't talk about reasonable, do not matter on. From "the Analects of Confucius" words are to. "Not in its place, does not seek its governance, if you want to do one thing, but this is something that does not belong to you, or that you have...

名不正,则言不顺言不顺,则事不成事不成,则礼乐不兴礼乐不兴,则刑罚不中故君子名之必可言也,言之必可行...说话不顺当合理,事情就办不成。事情办不成,礼乐也就不能兴盛...对应英文:The name is not correct, the words will not ring true words will not ring true, then nothing will be done without music, music is in addition to in addition, the penalty is not in the gentleman's name must be able say, words will be feasible... Don't talk about reasonable, do not matter on. Do not, and will not rise...

钟,不敲击是不会响的,(坑坑洼洼的)路面,不铲是不会平的。(坏)人,不劝解他就不会向善,(想要做)事,不去做就不会成功。对应英文:Clock, don't knock is not sound, (pitted) road, not shovel is not flat. (bad), not appealed to him will not be good, (to do) something, not to do will not be successful.

这得听妈妈讲那古老的故事,话说当年蜂王 ....... 其实跟瑞雪兆丰年的意思一样,都是老一辈留下的东西,你明白的...望采纳对应英文:This have to listen to mother tell the ancient story, saying that the queen... The harvest with snow. In fact the same meaning, all the things left, you know... Hope to adopt

初看这首诗是毛泽东写给杨开慧的,要她不要过于依赖他. 此诗用语直白简单,但道理却很深刻.无论是人,还是其他事物, 只有独立才好,他物总是靠不住的.对应英文:At first glance, this poem is Mao Zedong wrote to Yang Kaihui, she should not rely too much on him. The plain and simple, but the truth is very profound. Both people, or other things, only independent is good, he is always unreliable

元稹 年月日 星期五 人生莫依倚,依倚事不成。君看兔丝蔓,依倚榛与荆。荆榛易蒙密,百鸟撩乱鸣。下有狐兔穴,奔走亦纵横。樵童斫将去,柔蔓与之并。翳荟生可...对应英文:Yuanzhen date Friday life Maui leaning, according to lean on the impossible. Jun see rabbits silk vine, with lean hazel and jing. Jing Zhenyi Cao Shu Meng secret, birds disturb ming. A fox rabbit hole, around also aspect. The firewood child Zhuo will go, lithe and and. Yi Hui students can...

事情做不成则礼仪等级就不能维持对应英文:Do not become etiquette class will not be able to maintain the

给别人帮忙,最后事情没成功。好像是关于管仲跟鲍叔牙的。对应英文:To help others, then it fails. Something about his with Bao Shuya.


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