

浇花浇根对应英文:Watering pouring root

浇花浇根,育人育心 浇花浇根 育人育魂 浇花浇根,交友交心对应英文:Watering pouring root, education nurtures the heart watering pouring root cultivation education soul watering pouring root, make friends heart

交人交心,浇花浇根。对应英文:Make friends heart, watering pouring root.

是烧根吧。 你说的烧烧根还是烂根 要区别清楚 烧根是花肥没有经过充分的发酵所致 烂根是水浇得太勤或是盆土排水不良积水所致对应英文:Is burning roots. You're burning roots or root rot to clear the difference between firing is the root of fertilizer has not been fully fermented root rot is caused by water too often or pot soil caused by poor drainage water

.应该浇根部,同时注意叶部保养.应该在花草正在行光合作用时浇花比较妥当,也就是除中午以外,阳光不是很强时浇花,如果在中午浇花,叶片上水珠会自动扮演放大镜的角色,...对应英文:At the same time attention should cast. Root, leaf and maintenance. In the flowers are for photosynthesis to water the flowers is more appropriate, except at noon, the sun is not very strong when watering, if at noon to water the flowers, leaves water will automatically play magnifier role,...


送人玫瑰,手有余香。 投人木炭,手有余黑。 只有用真心才能寻到知己对应英文:Send person rose, the hand there are lingering fragrance. Investment more than black charcoal, hand. Only in my heart to find friends

应该叫交人交心,浇花浇根。意思是做人实诚,做事扎实。对应英文:Should call make friends heart, watering pouring root. It is a real honest, do solid.

应该是父母子女和他,但你能确定他们都不负你吗何况朋友! 看看美丽的大自然,你觉得这盆花还很重要吗对应英文:Parents and children should be with him, but you can be sure they are not negative you, friend! Have a look the beautiful nature, you think this flower is very important

各种花浇法不一样对应英文:All kinds of flowers is not the same as the law

俗话说浇花浇根,交人交心。讲的就是同样的道理要想培育一棵大树,要从树根培育。要想教育一个人就要从德开始。 种树木必须将树木的根系培养好,修养品德的人必须先培...对应英文:As the saying goes watering pouring root, make friends heart. Speaking is the same reason wants to foster a tree from the root, to cultivate. To educate a person to start from germany. Trees must be tree roots and cultivate good moral self-cultivation, people must first...


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