

拿鸡毛当令箭对应英文:Take the chicken feathers LianJian

上面的回答都不对古时传令的时候常常在信笺上插上某种动物的羽毛作为标记 数目越多表示事件越紧急而令剑指的则是我们常说的尚方宝剑 但是令剑可以先斩后奏 也就是说俩...对应英文:The answer above is not a time in ancient times often in stationery some animal inserted feathers as a marker of the number of events and more urgent to look that is we often say imperial sword to sword can act that is both...

令箭也叫令旗。旧时军中发令所用的小旗,杆头加箭镞,故称令箭。也引申为号令,上司的指示。另外,古时传令的...后来人们用"拿着鸡毛当令箭"这句俗语形容一个人凭着某上司...对应英文:Acting is also called flag. The old army the flags, the rod head and arrowheads, so his. Also extended to orders, instructions. In addition, the ancient an... Later people used "holding a feather when the arrow" this saying to describe a person with a boss...

好好工作,多向能力的人学习,你要是能力特别强,她会巴结你的,新来的人如果很有能力你们原来的所谓老大就回不来了,没有谁是老大老二的,讲话做事比别人细一些。在公司你...对应英文:Work hard, ability to learn more, if you the ability is specially strong, she will be with you, the new people's ability to your boss. If the original is not coming back, not who is the eldest, speaking and doing things than others, some fine. In the company of your...

别拿鸡毛当令箭说明说话人对那个拿鸡毛当令箭的人的不屑。这个拿鸡毛当令箭的人是个喜欢装…逼的人,他一来是为了讨领导喜欢,二来想显示自己也有点身份和地位。但关...对应英文:Don't chicken feathers LianJian explain the speaker on the chicken feathers LianJian people disdain. Take this feather when the arrow is a love... Force of the people, he came to discuss the leadership like, and to show that he has the identity and status. But guan...

令箭本来是用木头或金属做成的,用来发号施令,有权威性!鸡毛呢,样子是和令箭的样子有些相似,但是做不成令箭的!这句话比喻,拿一个根本没有作用、没有权威的东西来,想要...对应英文:Arrow was originally made of wood or metal, used to issue orders left and right, authoritative! Feather, way and acting like some similar, but do not hide! This sentence metaphor, take a no action, no authority of things, want...

拿着鸡毛当令箭---假传将令 拿着鸡毛当令箭---轻事重报 拿着鸡毛当令箭---小题大做 拿着鸡毛当令箭--打一字 (翎)对应英文:Holding a feather when the arrow - fake pass will be holding a feather when the arrow - light things heavy newspaper with a feather when the arrow - Big deal with a feather when the arrow - the word play (Ling)

拿着鸡毛当令箭--小题大作!意思是说 古时传令的时候常常在信笺上插上某种动物的羽毛作为标记 数目越多表示事件越紧急 而令剑指的则是我们常说的尚方宝剑 但是令剑可...对应英文:Holding a feather when the arrow -- make a fuss over a trifling matter! Mean time in ancient times often in a letter in some animal feathers as a marker of the number of events and more urgent that the sword that is we often say that the sword to the sword can be...

"拿着鸡毛当令箭"--   古时候军中发布命令时,用作凭据的东西,叫做"令箭",形状像箭样。比喻玩弄权术,以假充真,公开发号施令。   语出明清白话小说《糊涂世界》一...对应英文:"With a feather when the arrow" -- the ancient military commands, used as credentials things, called "hide", like an arrow like shape. Metaphor Machiavellian, yijiachongzhen, public issue orders left and right. The vernacular novel of Ming and Qing Dynasties. "Around the world" a...

拿着鸡毛当令箭-----小题大做对应英文:Holding a feather when the arrow, Big deal

狐假虎威对应英文:Borrowing power to do evil


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