

心病还得心药治对应英文:Heart to heart medicine

心病终须心药治,解铃还须系铃人 来源《红楼梦》第回有句诗语"心病终须心药治,解铃还须系铃人。"(解铃还须系铃人的出处更早,见下.) 解释思想上的毛病,要用解决思...对应英文:Heart disease have heart medicine to cure, who ties unties from "a dream of Red Mansions" article back to a poem language "will have the cure of disease, should end it is the bell. "(who ties unties. Earlier, see below.) explain the ideological problems, with solutions...

你是一个很优秀的男生 她不珍惜是她的错 还有一大把女生抢着要和你恋爱 你要知道 要治好心病 先找到病因 你的病因就是 你爱着一个又漂亮有优秀的女生…对应英文:You are a very good boy she doesn't appreciate her wrong, there are a lot of girls wanting you love and you need to know to cure heart disease to find the cause of your cause is that you love a beautiful good girl...

古人云"心病还须心药医。"现根据现代人的心理特点,开出如下"心药"。 心怡 心怡是一种精神上的愉悦。要做到心怡,首先要对生活时刻保持着美好的感受。心怡是克服悲观...对应英文:The ancients cloud "heart to heart medicine. "According to the psychological characteristics of modern people, open the following" heart medicine". Xin Yi Xin Yi is a kind of spiritual pleasure. To do happy, first of all to maintain a good feeling for life time. Xinyi is overcome pessimistic...

治疗扩心病最好的办法是首发。 心脏之所以扩大是血憋的。手法疏通血管最快。对应英文:The best way for treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy is the first. The heart is enlarged blood back. The fastest way to clear the blood vessels.

心病还需心药医 解铃还需系铃人 一失足成千古恨 再回头已百年身对应英文:Heart medicine for the heart Dog that fetches will carry. I hate eternal and then back to have a century

治疗高心病西药只是指标不治本,中医才能看到很好的疗效,所以我建议您去找中医,听说有一位从医年的孔教授,治疗高心病有特效药,孔氏高心汤,纯中药制剂。您可以试试。...对应英文:Treatment of heart disease medicine was not the root cause of indicators, in order to see the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is very good, so I suggest you go to traditional Chinese medicine, heard that Professor Kong a doctor years, treatment of heart disease medicine, hole accepted heart soup, pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation. You may have a try. ...

《红楼梦》第九十回"心病终须心药治,解铃还是系铃人"。或作"解铃还得系铃人"对应英文:"A dream of Red Mansions" ninetieth "heart disease have heart drug treatment, the end". Or "it is up to the end"

就要用治心的药来治病。要解下绑紧的铃子,就要让那个当初绑上铃子的人来解决。寓意当局者的事,要当局者才...这没用的,心病终须心药医,解铃还须系铃人。还是让她来,这才...对应英文:You should use the heart medicine to cure. To solve the tie the bell, let the original tie the bell people to solve them. The moral thing to the authorities, the authorities... This useless, have heart disease medicine, who ties unties. Let her come, that...

自已做的事,还得自已来了结 自已心里边压着的事情,还须得自已把它放出来对应英文:To do their own thing, also have their own heart to settle a pressing matter, must have their own put it out

解铃还须系铃人 来源《红楼梦》第回有句诗语对应英文:Should end it is the bell from "a dream of Red Mansions" article back to a poem language

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