

强龙难压地头蛇对应英文:Strong pressure to bow long

这些土豪劣绅们也就是所说的地头蛇,当官的是厉害,可他们还是怕这些地头蛇们。为什么呢地头蛇们长期住在这个地方,根深蒂固,关系盘根错节,不是轻易就能动的。所以有些...对应英文:The local tyrants and evil gentry who is boss said, officials are powerful, but they are afraid that the bullies are. Why the bullies are long-term living in this place, ingrained, complicated and difficult to deal with the relationship, not easily initiative. So some...

即使你再强大也最好不要在外地去得罪那些当地有势力的人对应英文:Even if you are strong in the field also best not to offend the local powerful people

强龙不压地头蛇 发音 á ó ù ā ì ó é 解释 比喻实力强大者也难对付当地的势力。 俗话说"强龙不压地头蛇",但龙就是龙,蛇就是蛇,龙岂有压不了蛇的道理那么...对应英文:Jianglong not pressure pronunciation á ó ù ā ì ó é explain metaphor powerful also difficult to deal with the local forces. As the saying goes "Jianglong not pressure", but the dragon is the dragon, the snake is a snake, dragon Qiyou pressure not snake truth so...

强龙难压地头蛇。对比坐享地利的本土开发商而言,外来的和尚如何念经,又如何与当地企业共处,显然成为企业扩张过程中亟待解决的重要问题。 伴随着一线城市土地枯竭、...对应英文:Strong pressure to bow long. Comparison enjoy Austria local developers, foreign monk to chant, and how local enterprises with the coexistence, apparently has become an important problem to be solved in the process of enterprise expansion. With the first-tier cities land depletion,...

龙 俗话说强龙压不过地头蛇对应英文:Long as the saying goes strong pressure but long Detou she

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也说成强龙不压地头蛇。强龙,强大者地头蛇,当地弱者。比喻虽为强大者,但也压不住盘据在当地的势力。《西游记》第四五回"你也忒自重了,更不让我远乡之僧--也罢,这正...对应英文:Also called Jianglong not pressure. Strong long, strong vision, local weak. Metaphor is a strong person, but also not pressure plate in the local forces. "Journey to the west" article four or five "you was dead, but do not let me far Xiang monk -- or, this is...

古解地头蛇熟悉自己滴地盘龙不熟悉所以龙和蛇打吃亏因为古代交通不方便科学不发达地图系统不太完善出现这样情况很正常现解现在交通发达网络地图随处可...对应英文:The solution items with their drop Panlong not familiar with so the dragon and snake play suffer because the ancient inconvenient traffic science underdeveloped map system not perfect so very normal solution is now developed traffic network map can be seen...

强龙压不过地头蛇主要原因是人生地不熟,你在某个地方可以一手遮天,说明当地你有路子,关系很硬,但是到了别的地方,你关系再硬也不如当地的硬。有句话不是说的好嘛"龙落...对应英文:Strong pressure but long Detou she is main reason of strangers, you can shut out the heavens with one palm in a certain place, indicating that the local you way, very hard, but somewhere else, your relationship and hard as local hard. There is a saying not that good "dragon falls...

强龙不压地头蛇 【拼音】á ó ù ā ì ó é 【解释】比喻实力强大者也难对付当地的势力。 【出处】明·吴承恩《西游记》第回"你也忒自重了,更不让我远...对应英文:Jianglong not pressure [phonetic] á ó ù ā ì ó é [explain] analogy strength also difficult to deal with the local forces. [source] Ming Wu Chengen "journey to the west" article "you too proud, more let me not far...

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