

三百六十度对应英文:Three hundred and sixty degrees

在三百六十度的温度下烤四十五分钟。对应英文:The temperature of three hundred and sixty degrees bake it forty-five minutes.

然后,将这些搅拌好的材料放到烤盘里, 在三百六十度的温度烤四十五分钟。对应英文:Then the material mixture into baking pan and bake it forty-five minutes at three hundred and sixty degrees temperature.

要是试着在房间的中间演说,我发现自己身体不听使唤,会转来转去,在三百六十度转换方向的时间,我就有相当一部分听众无法看到我的脸。对应英文:If you try to speech in the middle of the room, I found all my body, will, in three hundred and sixty - degree conversion direction of time, I have quite a number of the audience could not see my face.

然后,将这些搅拌好的材料放到烤盘里, 在三百六十度的温度烤四十五分钟。对应英文:Then the material mixture into baking pan and bake it forty-five minutes at three hundred and sixty degrees temperature.

要是试着在房间的中间演说,我发现自己身体不听使唤,会转来转去,在三百六十度转换方向的时间,我就有相当一部分听众无法看到我的脸。对应英文:If you try to speech in the middle of the room, I found all my body, will, in three hundred and sixty - degree conversion direction of time, I have quite a number of the audience could not see my face.


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