

凶事藏心鬼敲门对应英文:The hidden heart knocks at the door

为人不做亏心事,则心绪宁静,对一切都是泰然处之。相反,不知自我约束的人,在生活中将会波折不断,无法放松心绪,时刻处在惊慌恐惧之中。其不安正好与他们给予别人的伤害...对应英文:Those who have done no wrong, is a quiet mind, is take it calmly to all. On the contrary, I do not know self restrained person, in life will be twists and turns, unable to relax the mood, the moment in panic. The upset right and they give harm to others...

这里的鬼敲门应该就是"害怕"的意思,不做亏心事,就不会害怕,至于科学道理,应该是没有的,因为即使有人做了亏心事,也不会害怕对应英文:Here the ghost door should be "afraid", did not do something wrong, do not fear, for scientific truth, it should not, because even if someone has done something, never fear

不做违背良心的事,晚上睡觉就不会害怕鬼来找你对应英文:Don't do things against their conscience, sleep at night is not afraid of ghosts come to you

.你问心有愧心里有鬼.鬼闲的没事干,看上了你来找你玩玩。就算是鬼也要敲门啊。对应英文:You guilty heart in ghosts. The ghosts idle with nothing to do, are you looking for you. Even the demons to knock on the door.

梦敲门,必有事.分析你的梦,应该在你工作和生活中,有几件要紧的事等你办,这些事都比较重要,哪个先办哪个后办,着实让你有些头疼...对应英文:Dream is knocking at the door, there must be something. On analyzing your dreams, should be in your life and work, there are several important thing you do, these things are more important, which do have to do, really let you some headaches...

建议你 看《地藏菩萨本愿经》如按《地藏菩萨本愿经》的内容做的话 对你本人也会有极大益处 念那摩(南无)地藏王菩萨 《地藏菩萨本愿经》若未来世有诸人等,衣食不足,...对应英文:I suggest you look at the "Earth Store Bodhisattva the wish by" such as the "content" by Earth Store Bodhisattva would to you I will have great benefits Jonamo (South) Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva "the wish by" in the future there are all those people, lack of food and clothing,...

俗话说不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门。 如果你是个坏事做尽的人,那么你肯定是要过着提心吊胆的日子。也就是你做了亏心事,受到良心的谴责,你心里会不安分,害怕有人找你的事,...对应英文:As the saying goes, do not lose heart, afraid of ghosts knocking at the door. If you are a bad thing to do the best man, you must have a day to be always on tenterhooks. You had a bad conscience, conscience, you will feel uneasy, afraid of someone looking for you,...


。。。。没有正确描述出看到了什么的人现在还存在。 .进门鬼 -个人,女生多尤其好,找一背阳的房间,于天...你会听到有人不停的在敲门。 .血腥玛丽 到酒吧,你有喝过一...对应英文:.... Not correctly describe see what people are now. The ghost. In person, the girl is particularly good, find a Yang back room, on the day... You will hear people kept knocking at the door. . bloody Marie to the bar, you have to drink a...

为人不做亏心事,不怕半夜鬼敲门。 只要你心怀坦荡,不用担心。如果内心有什么愧疚的事,向上帝祷告悔罪,求上帝原谅你。你真心忏悔了,上帝会原谅你,保护你。对应英文:Those who have done no wrong, not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night. As long as you are magnanimous mind, don't worry. If the heart is what guilt thing, praying to God to repentance, ask God to forgive you. You sincerely repent, God will forgive you, protect you.


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