

男不男女不女对应英文:Men and women not men and women

真实的情形是,非常多的男男女女既不禁欲也不性专一。对应英文:Indeed, very many females and males are neither abstinent nor specific.

单身和离婚生活的男男女女不可能具有婚姻生活中的价值,是一种不完善的动物。对应英文:A single man may not have a marriage life value, is a kind of imperfect animal.

大家都认为,通过拓展我们对不同时空中男男女女之人生的体味,历史把无论是我们自己还是他人的珍贵东西教给我们。对应英文:Everyone thinks that, by expanding our men and women to experience the life of different time and space, history to both our own and precious things others teach us.

单身和离婚生活的男男女女不可能具有婚姻生活中的价值,是一种不完善的动物。对应英文:A single man may not have a marriage life value, is a kind of imperfect animal.

欢迎你收听《我相信》。这是NPR的一档系列节目,为你呈现社会各界不平常的男男女女,他们的人生哲学。对应英文:Welcome to "I believe". This is NPR TV series, showing the social from all walks of life not ordinary men and women for you, their philosophy of life.

大家都认为,通过拓展我们对不同时空中男男女女之人生的体味,历史把无论是我们自己还是他人的珍贵东西教给我们。对应英文:Everyone thinks that, by expanding our men and women to experience the life of different time and space, history to both our own and precious things others teach us.

因为他们忘记了这个国家已经完成的成就,当创造力朝同一个目标发展,不受约束的男男女女可以完成何等成就,必要的是勇气。对应英文:For they have forgotten what this country has already done, when imagination is joined to common purpose, unconstrained how men and women can complete success, need is the courage.

一片错愕声随之而起,但见男男女女个个衣衫不整,有的互相依偎,也有在地上互拥翻滚。对应英文:The sound of disbelief and confusion followed, but see men and women are not the clothes, some snuggling with each other, there are hugging and rolling on the floor.

人口迁徙几不可能,贵国的男男女女甚至不能踏入西式酒店和商店半步。对应英文:Movement of population is almost impossible, your men and women could not even enter western style hotels and shops half step.

在那几个月里,瓦妮莎独自承受了男男女女关于“她和科比不忠贞婚姻”形形色色的指责。对应英文:In the past few months, Vanessa alone bear the men and women on the "Kobe and her unfaithful marriage" of every hue of the accused.

但是所有进展的都出现都是因为普通的男男女女们相信,在美国,不完善的梦想是可以被完善的。对应英文:But all of it came about because ordinary men and women believed that, in American, imperfect dream can be perfect.

不一会儿,象往常一样,由男男女女汇成的人流向出口涌去。对应英文:Not and in a short while, as usual, by men and women into people towards the outlet to chung.

对第二次世界大战期间参加过欧战并取胜的男男女女而言,德国投降日是对邪不压正的一项令人雀跃的伟大证明。对应英文:The Second World War in Europe and win the men and women, the surrender of Germany, is the great proof of an amazing Good prevails over evil.

现在多数男男女女,只要一恋爱,必然会发生关系?貌似不发生关系就不象情侣。对应英文:Now the majority of men and women, as long as the love, will have the relationship? Seemingly no relationship is not like lovers.

我不知道在你的象牙塔上是怎么一副光景。人世间,男男女女都在垂死挣扎,生灵涂炭。对应英文:I don't know in your ivory tower what it looks like. The human world, and all the men and women in give dying kicks, plunge the people into misery and suffering.

多少的情人走不进彼此的今生,只能苦苦的相约于来世,而多少的男男女女走过爱情,走进婚姻,却不会再珍惜彼此的付出。对应英文:How many lovers do not go into each other's life, only hard to meet in the afterlife, while the number of men and women through love, into marriage, but no longer cherish each other's pay.

但我们不应该小看在聚光灯外苦干的众多英雄,他们就是那些默默地承担起赡养家庭和帮助邻居重任的男男女女。对应英文:But we should not underestimate the numerous heroes toil in the spotlight, they are the ones who silently assume support for families and help neighbors. Men and women.


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