

一朝天子一朝臣对应英文:Once every courtier
一朝天子一朝臣,拼为yī cháo tiān zǐ yī cháo chén,指一个人上台,下面的工作人员就另外换一批。出自元•金仁杰《追韩信》第三折。

而他们的子嗣受权利的诱惑,往往通过不正当的途径窃取皇权.朝臣往往不一定是扶持太子登基,他所扶持的自然是...朝中大臣往往只能同意其中的一种政治态度,所以换了一朝以后...对应英文:And their children the right to temptation, imperial steal often through improper means. The courtiers often do not necessarily support the prince ascended the throne, he supported the nature is... The minister can only agree to a political attitude which, so for once...

ī á ā ǐ ī á é 朝朝代á à 指换一个皇上,大臣就跟着换一批。一个领导上台,属于他的团队(或内阁,或亲信,或随从,等等)也更换新的。对应英文:H á ā ì Ji ī á é toward the dynasty á à finger for an emperor, ministers will follow a number of. A leadership, his team (or cabinet, or close to, or after, and so on) is the replacement of the new.


那为什么会出现一朝天子一朝臣的情况呢 就是基本上,一个领导会对我们训话。基本上,他所为我们绘画出来的蓝图就已经深入了我们的心中,当换了另外一个领导来了的时候...对应英文:Why will appear when a new situation is basically, a leader of our. Basically, he is our drawing blueprint already deep in our hearts, when in another leading to the...

此话的原意是指'每一朝天子各有自己的用人之道' 后来人们就指说'每个直接领导的升迁或调离会影响到自身的去留'对应英文:This means that every when each have their own way of employing people 'people later to say' each directly under the leadership of the promotion or transfer will affect their own future

出处明·汤显祖《牡丹亭·虏谍》"万里江山万里尘,一朝天子一朝臣。" 说的是统领天下的皇帝换了,这跟风不变的臣民也随之而变,所谓村不变,民不变,天下则大变,说的大概就...对应英文:Source Ming Tang Xianzu "Peony Pavilion" spy "from Jiangshan Wanli dust, the emperor courtier. "Say is leading the world emperor changed, the following invariant subjects also change, the village people unchanged, unchanged, the world is changing, said probably is...

一天子一臣 、若是一个国家的政权被其他姓氏所取代,那么,很显然,前朝的大臣由于受到封建思想忠臣...往往通过不正当的途径窃取皇权.朝臣往往不一定是扶持太子登...对应英文:A son Chen, if a country's regime was replaced by other names, then, obviously, the former Minister of imperial power theft because of feudal ideology loyal... Often through improper means. The courtiers often do not necessarily support the prince climbed...


从古至今,大凡改朝换代,无不充满腥风血雨,也正为"一朝天子 一朝臣",所以,一大批人得以荣升,弹冠相庆,而另外一大批人 则要倒霉,甚至血流成河,尸骨成山,满世遍地充斥冤...对应英文:From ancient times, when the change dynasties, a reign of terror, is also "the emperor courtier", therefore, a large number of people to be promoted, rejoicing, while a large number of people have bad luck, and even shed blood like water, hill of bones, the world is full...

万里江山万里尘, 一朝天子一朝臣 北地怎禁沙岁月 南人偏占锦乾坤。对应英文:Wanli Jiangshan miles dust, when a new north south of how ban sand years accounted for Jin.

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一朝天子一朝臣  yī cháo tiān zǐ yī cháo chén 解 释 天子:皇帝,多指当官的。臣:臣子,此多指属下。整条意思是:指当权者变动,下属也相应变动。这是个被人们普遍使用的 俗语。语词精当,说服力很强。

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