

丑女三日看惯对应英文:Three see ugly

请问那些嘲笑别人的人,就怎么不照照镜子看看自己有什么资本大家既然来到了这个世界上,当然是人人平等啊。丑女又怎么了人家不一样好好地活着,说不定人家活着比任...对应英文:I would like to ask those who laugh at others, you don't look in the mirror and have a look what capital since we came to this world, of course, everyone is equal. How ugly people don't like live, maybe somebody else alive than any...

是父母怎么样。但是不是决定一切,长得凶神恶煞的人未必就一定心地坏透,比如说古代四大丑女都成为了皇帝的皇后,你可以百度一下的,她们都成为皇帝的得力助手。但是长得...对应英文:Is the parents do. But not everything, long devils people don't necessarily have to be a bad, for example in ancient times four big ugly became the emperor queen, you can Baidu Search, they all become the emperor's right-hand man. But grow...

因为美女都和有钱人结婚,生的孩子富二代就又帅又美,没钱人只能和丑女结婚,所以…对应英文:Because the girls marry rich men, children of two rich generation is the handsome, beautiful and ugly, no money people can get married, so...

司空见惯对应英文:It is quite common for

拼音 ú ì ú ǔ 释义 熟视经常看到,看惯无睹没有看见。看惯了就象没看见一样。也指看到某种现象,但不关心,只当没有看见。 出处 晋·刘伶《酒德颂》静听不闻雷...对应英文:Pinyin ú ì ú ǔ interpretation blind often see, see no see no see. Accustomed to see no see. Also refers to see a phenomenon, but do not care, but did not see. From Jin Liu Ling "liquor song" listen to not hear thunder...

习以为常他对人总是不冷不热,同学们都习以为常了对应英文:Be accustomed to him to always be neither hot nor cold, the classmates all be accustomed to

见怪不怪对应英文:Become inured to the unusual

熟视经常看到,看惯无睹没有看见。看见了就像没看见一样。也指看到某种现象,但不关心,就当没有看见。【出 处】 晋·刘伶《酒德颂》"静听不闻雷霆之声,熟视不睹泰山...对应英文:Blind often see, see no see no see. Seen as not to see. Also refers to see a phenomenon, but do not care, there is no see. [a] at Jin Liu Ling "liquor song" listen "do not hear the sound of thunder, blind do not see Taishan...

听惯了秋风,看惯了秋雨 但是,从另一方面来讲,这句话也没错。 因为看秋风,是从花草树木的摇动中看出来的,我们常说风来了,是因为我们看到了风吹草动。听秋雨,这个本来...对应英文:Listening to the wind, watching the rain but, on the other hand, this sentence is right. Because the autumn wind, flowers and trees are seen from the shaking in the wind, we often say, because we see the Wind sways grass. Listen to the rain, the original...

看惯了人生的百态,经历了人生风雨的洗礼,便能泰然处于世间,平静看待一切问题。对应英文:Accustomed to looking at the various aspects of life, experienced the baptism of wind and rain, can calm calm in the world, look at all the problems.


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