

淡妆浓抹总相宜对应英文:The total woman's light and heavy make-up

欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。 提示湖指杭州西湖。湖光山色相映,风景绮丽。全诗先写"晴",次写"雨",最后两句结合起来概括,而用新奇的妙语赞美西湖无时不美的迷人景...对应英文:To the West Lake than the west, woman's light and heavy make-up total affordable. That means Hangzhou West Lake lake. A landscape of lakes and mountains Xiangying, beautiful scenery. The whole poem to write "fine", wrote the "rain", the last two sentences together briefly, the charming scenery and novel quips praise West Lake is beautiful...

山色空蒙雨亦奇。欲把西湖比 西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜. 苏东坡的《湖上初雨》对应英文:The empty mountains Meng rain also odd. To the West Lake than the west, total affordable woman's light and heavy make-up. Su Dongpo's "the lake rain"

若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。就是说,无论是怎么的打扮妆束,感觉总是很合适的。对应英文:If West Lake to the west, the total woman's light and heavy make-up. That is to say, no matter how is dress attire, the feeling is always right.

水光潋滟睛方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。对应英文:Shuiguang prettily and Yan eye side, empty mountains Meng Yu is also odd. To the West Lake than the west, woman's light and heavy make-up total affordable.

就是说,无论是怎么的打扮妆束,感觉总是很合适的对应英文:That is to say, no matter how is dress attire, the feeling is always right

欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。 作者简介苏轼(公元-),字子瞻,号东坡居士,眉州眉山(今四川省眉山县)人,宋仁宗嘉佑二年(公元)进士。虽与王安石同出欧阳修...对应英文:To the West Lake than the west, woman's light and heavy make-up total affordable. Author Su Shi (AD -), the word sub Zhan, Dongpo Jushi, Meizhou Meishan (this Meishan County, Sichuan Province), the Song Emperor Jiayou two years (AD) jinshi. Although Wang Anshi and Ou Yangxiu...

欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。 全诗先写"晴",次写"雨",晴朗的西湖就如浓妆的西施,而雨天的西湖就像淡妆的西施,无论是淡妆的西施还是浓妆的西施,都是同样的美丽无比...对应英文:To the West Lake than the west, woman's light and heavy make-up total affordable. The whole poem to write "fine", wrote the "rain", sunny West Lake as heavy makeup beauty, but the rainy West Lake like makeup, beauty, whether it is makeup beauty or heavy makeup beauty, is the most beautiful...

没有结局啊亲。。写到那句"唐峻是不一样的"就没了。。。对应英文:There is no end ah dear.. Wrote that "Tang Jun is not the same as" no...

欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜 作者简介苏轼(公元-),字子瞻,号东坡居士,眉州眉山(今四川省眉山县)人,宋仁宗嘉佑二年(公元)进士。虽与王安石同出欧阳修门...对应英文:To the West Lake than the west, woman's light and heavy make-up of the total affordable author Su Shi (AD -), the word sub Zhan, Dongpo Jushi, Meizhou Meishan (this Meishan County, Sichuan Province), the Song Emperor Jiayou two years (AD) jinshi. Although Wang Anshi and Ou Yangxiu gates...

淡妆浓抹总相宜"这两句诗的意思是如果要把西湖比作美女西施,那么晴朗的西湖就如浓妆的西施,而雨天的西湖就像淡妆的西施,都是同样的美丽无比。 "欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜...对应英文:Woman's light and heavy make-up total affordable "this meant was if you compare West Lake to beauty beauty, so sunny West Lake as heavy makeup beauty, but the rainy West Lake like makeup, beauty, is the most beautiful. "To the West Lake than the west, woman's light and heavy make-up total affordable...

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