

狗不嫌家贫对应英文:Dogs don't mind poorness

猫有奶便是娘。对应英文:The cat milk is the mother.

第一句说狗很忠心,无论主人家条件如何,都会不离不弃--教育人要忠心第二句是说亲情远比相貌、条件重要--说出了血浓于水的道理其实这两句话没有具体的意思,只是被用来...对应英文:The first sentence that the dog is very loyal, regardless of the host family conditions, will never abandon -- education faithful second is that family than appearance, important condition -- say blood is thicker than water. In fact, these two words have no specific meaning, just being used...

子不嫌母丑狗不嫌家贫这句俗语说明 ,有志者不嫌家贫,明理者不嫌父母丑 ,我们与父母之间的亲情关系是不可改变的,这是命运的安排 ,我们与父母的感情,是天然生成的最自...对应英文:Not the mother too ugly dogs don't think gupin this saying shows, there is no suspicion gupin, and not too ugly between our parents, relationships between parents and can not be changed, this is fate, and our relationships with parents, is the natural self...

因为狗有忠实善良的本质,只要你和它已经建立了共同生活的关系,它就只视你为亲人,只相信你,忠实于你和家人,无论你是贫穷还是富有,无论你是健康还是疾病……他会一直守...对应英文:Because of the nature of a faithful dog kind, as long as you and it has established the relationship of living together, it is only your loved ones, only believe in you, loyal to you and your family, whether you are rich or poor, whether you are a health or disease...... He will always be...

--宋·释梵琮 "子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫。世上最是母亲亲,骨头断了连着筋。不当家不知柴米贵,不养儿不知母亲恩。"是的,骨头断了连着筋,最爱莫过于母亲!对应英文:- Song interpretation Vatican cong "do not mother too ugly, dogs don't mind poorness. The world's mother dear, broken bones attached tendon. Not alone know Chai Migui, not raise children do not know her well. "Yes, a broken bone connecting bar, the love is the mother!

狗的话你不管什么给它吃它永远都认定你是主人~~~~所以我们这边都说狗不嫌家贫的~~~~俗语嘛~~对应英文:The dog then you no matter what to eat it will always believe you are the master ~ ~ ~ ~ so we say that dogs don't mind poorness ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫. 无悔无怨,无休无尽, 可怜天下慈母心. 割不断血脉,比天高海深. 无私无求,无黑无白, 可怜天下慈母爱. 世上最是母亲亲,断了骨头还连着筋. 从古到...对应英文:Not mislike mother ugly, dogs don't mind poorness. No regrets, endless, pitiful world motherliness. Cut off the blood, than the sky of deep sea. Selfless, not black not white, pitiful world motherly love. The most is the mother dear, broken bones still attached tendon from to...

其实狗的意识里是没有贫富之分的,跟主人相处的时间越长它就越忠于你,它只知道你对它是最好的人,知道你才是它的主人,所以这也是为什么自古都说"狗是人类最忠实的朋友!...对应英文:The dog consciousness is not divided into rich and poor, along with master the longer it is loyal to you, it only know you are the best people to it, know that you are the master of it, so this is why the ancient said "the dog is man's best friend!...

' ' .对应英文:''

狗不嫌家贫 说的是亲情至上 若要反对,就是利益至上 人往高处走水往低处流 夫妻本是同林鸟,大难临头各自飞 人不为己天诛地灭对应英文:Dogs don't mind he said is the family first to oppose, interest is the first man struggles upwards water flows downwards the couple are birds of the same, A great calamity is at hand. fly their people do not own stand condemned by God


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