

骨头里挑刺对应英文:The bone

被包庇的理由,不管是正当或是不正当的,都无需计较,干好自己的分内工作就可以了,否则你的心里会越来越不平衡,与同事的关系会越来越差,会形成一种恶性循环,对自己不利,...对应英文:The reason is shielded, whether legitimate or illegitimate, need not care about, do a good job of it, otherwise you will be in the hearts of more and more unbalanced, and the relationship between colleagues will be worse, will form a vicious spiral, against himself,...

要是咱有责任要敢于承担并且尽最大努力解决! 如果真是无理取闹那也好办! 首先有合同按合同办! 其次如果确定在没问题情况下该强硬点就强硬点。 第三实在不行要还是...对应英文:If I have a responsibility to bear and do our best to solve! If it was that easy make trouble out of nothing! The first contract based on the contract! Secondly if it is determined that the firm is tough in no case. Third it is not to be still...

他不是怕硬么那就厉害一点,让他不敢告领导对应英文:He is not afraid of hard so that a hard, so he doesn't dare to leadership

鸡蛋里挑骨头--无中生有 /故意找茬(碴)儿(对) 鸡蛋里挑刺--没事找事 (错)对应英文:The egg bones -- out of thin air / deliberately finding fault (ballast) son (on) in the egg - nothing (wrong)

你俩不也有好的时候么,两个人多沟通。。你可以婉转一点儿告诉她你不喜欢她这样,多哄着来,或许她这样只是想让你更关心她更在乎她而已,别那么在意,把自己做的更好,相信...对应英文:You don't have a good time, two personal communication.. You can tactfully some tell her you doesn't love her so much, coax, maybe she just wanted to let you more care about her more about her, don't care, do better, believe...

这种情况是很多人都会遇到的,特别是在家庭环境里。可是遇到这种情况也只有调整自己的情绪,多看些会让自己心情快乐的书或者运动。 家庭生活本来就是相互包容的,即使你...对应英文:This is a lot of people are encountered, especially in the home environment. But in this case only adjust their emotions, more can let oneself happy book or movement. Family life is mutual tolerance, even if you...

我就喜欢与我们单位一些古怪的领导打交道。 记住,你就当他们是一头动物那么看,狮子,你就是训兽的, 要了解动物的特性,不然,你别狮子咬死了,能埋怨狮子太野吗 这样就心...对应英文:I would like to deal with us the unit leadership some weird. Remember, you when they are an animal that lion, you see, is the trainer, to understand the characteristics of animal, otherwise, you don't kill the lion, the lion can complain too wild do it heart...

当成磨练自己的机会呢。 我就喜欢与我们单位一些古怪的领导打交道。 记住,你就当他们是一头动物那么看,狮子,你就是训兽的,要了解动物的特性,不然,你别狮子咬死了,能埋...对应英文:As the opportunity to hone their own. I would like to deal with us the unit leadership some weird. Remember, you when they are an animal that lion, you see, is the trainer, to understand the characteristics of animal, otherwise, you don't kill a lion, buried...

鸡蛋里挑骨头--找刺对应英文:The egg bones -- find the thorn

骨质增生又称骨刺,在医学上称骨赘,骨质增生.人体的关节是骨与骨的结合部,骨端覆盖着厚实而光滑的软骨,即关节软骨.人的所有组织都会随着年龄的增加而发生退行性变,这在...对应英文:Bone hyperplasia and spur, in medicine known osteophytes, bone hyperplasia. The joints of the human body is a combination of bone and bone, and bone end covered with thick and smooth cartilage, articular cartilage tissue. All the people will increase with age and degeneration, which in...


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