

吃饱了撑的对应英文:Full support of the

吃饱了撑的,败家子一个!对应英文:Eat a hold of, a wastrel!

我记得小时候经常吃不上饭,大家关心的都是粮食的问题,没人关心这吃饱了撑着的事情。对应英文:I remember as a child often eat no food to eat, everyone is concerned about the food problem, nobody cares about this full.

被访者中3.3%的人能够明智地让那些吃饱了撑的没事干的调查者滚一边去。对应英文:3.3% of respondents who can be wise to let the full support of the fine investigators do go.

被访者中3.3%的人能够明智地让那些吃饱了撑的没事干的调查者滚一边去。对应英文:3.3% of respondents who can be wise to let the full support of the fine investigators do go.

因为它能让你放慢节奏,允许你的肚子在吃撑前告诉你的大脑你饱了。对应英文:Because it slows you down, allowing your stomach eat ago to tell your brain you full.

但如果绝得这东西好,硬要多吃一口,吃成十分饱十一分饱,甚至撑的难受,人就吃伤了,甚至厌恶了。对应英文:But if it must have something good, insisted on eating a mouth, eat very much bread into eleven full, even stays in uncomfortable, people eat wounded, even tired.

吃得撑饱还可以忍受,当烟酒就免了。你需要清洗的头脑去绘画。对应英文:Eat full stomach can endure, when alcohol free. You need to clean the mind to painting.


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