

大水冲倒龙王庙对应英文:The flood washed down the temple of the Dragon King

大水冲了龙王庙,一家人不认一家人对应英文:Friendly fire, one family does not recognize one family

大水冲了龙王庙是一个歇后语。出自清·文康《儿女英雄传》七回。比喻自己人因不相识而发生误会. 歇后语 大水冲了龙王庙,一家人不认一家人 比喻本是自己人,因不相识而相...对应英文:Friendly fire is a two-part allegorical sayings. From the Qing Dynasty in the "heroes and heroines" seven times. Because people do not understand and describe their own misunderstanding. Xiehouyu friendly fire, one family does not recognize one family metaphor is one of their own, because do not understand and phase...

"大水冲了龙王庙"的传说 传说在很久以前,东海岸边有座龙王庙。离龙王庙几里远的地方有块菜地,菜地紧挨着一座庙。庙里的老和尚和种菜的老头是好朋友,两人经常在一起下...对应英文:"Friendly fire" Legend Legend long ago in the East China Sea shore, there is a temple of the Dragon king. From the temple of the Dragon King a few miles away a piece of vegetable, vegetable field next to the temple. The old monk and kind man is a good friend, two people often go...

大水冲了龙王庙的意思是比喻本是自己人,因不相识而相互发生了误会、冲突、争端。对应英文:Friendly fire mean analogy is one of their own, because do not understand each other some mistake, conflict, dispute.

② 比喻某种原因造成误会。 又作"大水淹了龙王庙--自家人不认自家人" "大水冲倒龙王庙--自家人不认自家人"对应英文:The metaphor of a cause of misunderstanding. And "big flood dragon temple - the family does not recognize one another" "washed away by a flood dragon temple - the family does not recognize one another"

大水冲倒龙王庙 一家人不认一家人对应英文:The flood washed down the temple of the Dragon King one family does not recognize one family

大水冲倒龙王庙的典故 单县县城东南二十余里有个古老的村庄,因村里有座龙王庙而得名。很早以前,这个村有一户孙姓人家,没儿没女就老两口,老汉在村北边开辟了一个菜园,...对应英文:The flood washed down the Dragon King Temple Shanxian County County southeast allusion is an ancient village of more than 20 years, so named because of a long Wang Miao village. Long ago, a surname family in this village, childless old port two, the old man opened up a vegetable garden in the village north,...

管理局与水库上游的祖师庙、蚂蚁沟、火石山、桃花店、龙王庙等雨量站全部失去联系。公路交通中断,板桥街上积水尺有余,供销社、银行被大水冲倒。坝外的大水因废渠阻隔...对应英文:The upstream reservoir management bureau and the temple, the ant groove, fire mountain, peach blossom shop, Longwangmiao rainfall station completely lost contact. Road traffic disruption, Banqiao street water feet, supply and marketing cooperatives, banks were washed away by a flood. Dam water waste due to channel barrier...

【中吉】 寓意大水冲倒了龙王庙对应英文:[in] the moral, washed down the temple of the Dragon King

秃子头上的虱子--明摆着 十五只水桶打水--七上八下 小和尚念经--有口无心 大水冲倒龙王庙--自家人不认自家人 千里送鹅毛--礼轻情意重 打破沙锅--问到底 头顶生疮脚底...对应英文:The bald head lice - clear water -- an unsettled state of mind only fifteen little monks chanting -- promise with no intention of doing washed away by a flood dragon temple - the family does not recognize one another goose feather sent thousands of miles, courtesy light weight friendship break the casserole - ask what head sore feet...


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