

风景不转心境转对应英文:The scenery does not turn of mind

我们一路走来,告别一段往事,走入下一段风景。路在延伸,风景在变幻,人生没有不变的永恒。走远了再回头看,很多事已经模糊,很多人已经淡忘,只有很少的人与事与我们有关,...对应英文:We walked all the way, bid farewell to a past, into a landscape. The road extends in the scenery, in changing, life does not change the eternal. Far away look back, a lot of things has been blurred, many people have forgotten, only a few people and things with us,...

有些事物就是只可意会不可言传,其实那是作则和心境的另一层次,用句不恰当的话就是他成熟了一圈对应英文:Some things that love can only be sensed, but actually it is making and another mood levels, using the words in the wrong thing is he has matured a circle

写出你有眼不识泰山那种心境啊对应英文:Write you entertain an angel unawares that frame of mind

在你心里最美的风景是什么,你说是我的笑容,你于是也问我在我心里最美的风景是什么,我告诉你是被漫天的桐花覆盖的蓝天。我看到你眼中的失望。其实这个回答里的隐语是桐...对应英文:What is in your heart the most beautiful scenery, you say that I smile, so you also asked me what is in my heart the most beautiful scenery, I told you are the flower covered the blue sky. I see in your eyes. In fact, the answer is Tong argot...

看到更好的风景 我从岁开始画画,共画了年,从来没有上过一天班,也从来没有换过别的行业。最近,我和女友...会再不同的心境。人生嘛,何必那么固执有些你坚持对的事情....对应英文:Get a better view I started painting, were painted years, had never gone to a day of class, has never changed in any other industry. Recently, my girlfriend and I will be a different state of the mind... Life, why so stubborn that you insist on things...

时如水影随着动脉尽把悲喜照明掏尽你心声开心处留仙景伤心处融化心景留下发泄的反省过程纵使意难平痛得高...道破哪论动或静谁也有情情绪有它抚摸风景里随身听思想里随心...对应英文:Such as water with artery as to lighting dig to make your heart happy and sad at heart left cloudland melt King left reflection process vent even to Ping pain HISTEP... To reveal what the dynamic or static who also have the mood has its touch scenery Walkman mind heart...

沉默也等于约定 带走心境 却带不走分手时的风景 云过天清 忘掉我们曾尽兴 重唱 *,# 当这一双脚慢慢离地 拈不走一瞬羡慕妒忌 谁又记得起 谁被我欢喜 延续到下一世...对应英文:Silence is agreed with clear away heart forget we had fun trio * Don't go broke up the scenery cloud day, # when the feet slowly from the ground to twist away moment envy to envy who remember who I was happy until the next life...

这首《曲江对酒》便是诗人此种心境的反映。 曲江,即曲江池,故址在今西安市东南,因池水曲折而得名,是当时京... 风景虽好,却是暮春落花时节。落英缤纷,固然赏心悦目,但也很...对应英文:The song "Qujiang wine" is to reflect the mood of the poet. Qujiang, Qujiang Guzhi in this pool, Xi'an city southeast, so named because of the twists and turns, is the Beijing... The scenery is good, but in the end of spring. Fallen petals lie in profusion., although be good to hear or see, but also very...

而观鱼后坐潭上,感到风景"凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃",也是作者抑郁忧伤心情的反映。文章写"乐"。听到"如鸣佩环"的...但这种"乐",毕竟是暂时的,一经凄清环境的触发,忧伤、悲凉的...对应英文:But the fish recoil Tan, feel the scenery "chilly magical cold bone, sad sad and reflect", is also the author of depressed mood. Writing "music". Hear "such as singing peihuan"... But this "music", after all, is temporary, once activated desolate environment, sad, sad...

题目田园风光文字内容梧桐树绿得更加苍翠,小麦绿得像碧玉一样,高粱苗,红薯苗又绿如天鹅绒一般。你看,那...一杯清茶和着清凉的心境,这三月的乡下是一幅别致的画卷。一条...对应英文:The title text trees green pastoral scenery more lush, green like jade like wheat, sorghum seedlings, sweet potato seedlings and green velvet. You see, that... A cup of tea and a cool mind, is a unique picture in March this country. A...


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