

  míng bù jiàn jīng zhuàn 

在那些岁月中他名不见经传,但是我相信你很快就会明白,自从柏克莱登上舞台的那一刻起,人们的思维理解就变得更加简单了。对应英文:In those years he is unknown, but I believe you will soon understand that since the Berkeley stage the moment, people's thinking becomes more simple.

一场法国内战会非常有趣,同时穆里尼奥的国米在攻陷斯坦福桥之后收获大礼,将对阵名不见经传的中央陆军。对应英文:It would be interesting to a French civil war, at the same time, mourinho's inter milan in the fall after the harvest gift at Stamford bridge, will face the unknown in the middle of the army.

马多夫的帐目是由一家基本名不见经传的会计公司审计的。对应英文:Mr Madoff's account is made up of a little-known basic accounting of the company's audit.

一场法国内战会非常有趣,同时穆里尼奥的国米在攻陷斯坦福桥之后收获大礼,将对阵名不见经传的中央陆军。对应英文:It would be interesting to a French civil war, at the same time, mourinho's inter milan in the fall after the harvest gift at Stamford bridge, will face the unknown in the middle of the army.

在那些岁月中他名不见经传,但是我相信你很快就会明白,自从柏克莱登上舞台的那一刻起,人们的思维理解就变得更加简单了。对应英文:In those years he is unknown, but I believe you will soon understand that since the Berkeley stage the moment, people's thinking becomes more simple.

其他精神或宗教领袖也有影响,但是再没有谁能做到像他——拿撒勒名不见经传的木匠的儿子——那样。对应英文:Other spiritual or religious leaders may also be affected, but no one can do it again, as he is obscure Nazareth carpenter's son - in that way.

已经被选定的金正恩相对比较名不见经传,但是却与去年的灾难性的货币贬值计划密切相关。对应英文:Has been selected, Kim jong UN, is relatively unknown, but it is closely related to the last year's disastrous currency depreciation plan.

一 种名不见经传的真菌可以帮助石油企业清洁燃料,以满足严格的排放标准。对应英文:A little-known fungus can help clean fuel oil enterprises, in order to meet the stringent emission standards.

帝地布朗公司所选择的标的则更是名不见经传的企业。对应英文:Tweedy Browne's choice of name have obscure enterprises.

他处世待物技巧之高超,在央行内锻鍊得益加炉火纯青,即使当时他当时在央行还是名不见经传的小人物。对应英文:His advancing of the superb skills, exercise benefits incidents within the central bank, even when he was at the central bank still obscure small people.

第一天的亮点包括俄罗斯超模纳塔利·沃佳诺娃的意外现身,和许许多多名不见经传的设计师。对应英文:The first day of the highlights include Russian supermodel Natalie she accidental appearance, and many, many little-known designers.

但是,当来自南非偏远山村名不见经传的18岁小将卡斯特尔•塞门亚在走上跑道的时候,人们马上开始了窃窃私语。对应英文:But, when from a remote mountain village South African little-known 18-year-old teenager castel, caster semenya embarked on the track, people immediately began whispering.

经过漫长的蛰伏期后,全球重燃寻找天然气和石油的热潮,使许多名不见经传的小公司成为华尔街最爱。对应英文:After a lengthy dormant period, renewed global search for gas and oil boom, many little-known small companies into Wall Street's favorite.

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