

将不畏敌兵亦勇对应英文:The enemy will not afraid of Yi Yong

但是,宗悫并不畏敌避战。他想到大象的劲敌是狮子,可是,又不可能马上驯化出一批"狮兵"与敌抗争,便灵机一动...经过苦思运筹,他决定将敌诱人一狭窄的谷地,以扼制其"象兵"...对应英文:However, Zong Que and defying the enemy to avoid war. He thought of the rival is the lion, however, can not be immediately and a number of "Shi Bing" and the enemy fight, they suddenly have a brain wave... After his operation, he decided to send the enemy attractive a narrow valley, to curb the "elephant"...

道者,令民于上同意,可与之死,可与之生,而不畏危也天者,阴阳、寒暑、时制也地者,远近、险易、广狭、死生也将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也法者,曲制、官道、主用也。...对应英文:Way, makes the people to agree, with the dead, and the life, without fear of danger is also days, yin and Yang, cold and heat, when the system is more, far and near, danger, narrow, and will, wisdom, faith, benevolence, Yong, Yan is the law, of music Guan Dao, also, the main. ...

道者,令民与上同意,可与之死,可与之生,而不畏危也。天者,阴阳,寒暑,时制也。地者,远近,险易,广狭,死生也。将者,智,信,仁,勇,严也。法者,曲制,官道,主用也。凡此五者,...对应英文:Road, so that the people and agree, with the dead, and the life, without fear of danger. Days, yin and Yang, cold and heat, when the system is. Land, far and near, danger, narrow, and also. Will, wisdom, faith, benevolence, Yong, Yan also. The law, curved, Guan Dao, the master also. By five,...

〉.攻其不〈无〉备〈同上〉.兵不厌诈〈《孙子‧计篇》「兵者,诡道也」。〉.无懈可击〈《孙子...可以与之死,可以与之生,而不畏危。天者,阴阳、寒暑、时制也。...对应英文:'not' no '. The attack was' too'. 'ibid grandson, "plans" "soldiers, they also". With no chink in one's armour '.' "grandchildren... And die, and without fear of danger. Days, yin and Yang, cold and heat, when the system is. ...

令民与上同意也,故可以与之死,可以与之生,而不畏危也。 --《始计篇》 点评领袖首先要考虑的,是如何用人,...借助气候如草船借箭、借助敌将之弱点如鸿门宴) 因此,第一,...对应英文:So that the people and agree, so it can be with the dead, and the life, without fear of danger. "Beginning" - article comments leaders must first consider, how people, by climate, such as borrow arrows with thatched boats... By enemy weaknesses such as banquet at Hongmen) therefore, first,...

做诚实守信的忠义之士,还要学习他那不畏敌兵、不畏艰险的勇敢精神和他那不怕刮骨疗毒痛苦的坚强毅力!对应英文:Be honest and scholar, but also learn his fear of the enemy soldiers, dauntless courage and his not scrape the poison off the bone pain of perseverance!

做诚实守信的忠义之士,还要学习他那不畏敌兵、不畏艰险的勇敢精神和他那不怕刮骨疗毒痛苦的坚强毅力! 三顾茅庐 三国演义》是一本家喻户晓的名著,里面的人物描写的栩栩...对应英文:Be honest and scholar, but also learn his fear of the enemy soldiers, dauntless courage and his not scrape the poison off the bone pain of strong perseverance! To call on sb. repeatedly the romance of the Three Kingdoms "is a masterpiece which make known to every family, character description of how...

不畏鼎镬,不惧刀斧唯恐后嗣,玷辱先祖。伏剑同流,断机堪伍生得其名,对应英文:Despite the cauldron, don't fear lest you Daofu heirs, the ancestors. Fu Jian with the flow, cutting machine Kan Wu was its name,

岳云少年英雄,雄姿英发,武艺超群岳雷不计前嫌,领兵拒敌,作战神勇,为父报仇牛皋不畏强暴,敢作敢当杨再兴赤胆忠心,骁勇善战还有被誉为"楚霸王重生"的高宠......岳家...对应英文:Yue Yun young hero, take a heroic posture, skills Chaoqun Yue Lei to forgive and forget, only the brave the enemy, fighting, to avenge his father niugao brave, brave and battlewise utter devotion I Yang Zaixing, also known as the "king of Chu 'born again" high Chong Yue.....

道者,令民与上同意也,故可以与之死,可以与之生,而不畏危。天者,阴阳、寒暑、时制也。地者,远近、险易、广狭、死生也。将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也。法者,曲制,官道,...对应英文:Road, so that the people and also can be agreed, and death, and without fear of danger. Days, yin and Yang, cold and heat, when the system is. Land, far and near, danger, narrow, and also. Will, wisdom, faith, benevolence, Yong, Yan also. The law, curved, Guan dao,...


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