

一人难唱独板腔对应英文:A man difficult to sing the cavity plate

意思是产生矛盾双方都有责任,如果只是一方,不会产生的。 比如吵嘴,有骂的有还的才能吵起来,如果只有骂的,没有还的,一个人骂两句也就没事了。对应英文:It is the conflicts between the two sides have a responsibility, if only one party, won't produce. For example, quarrel, if have also can quarrel, if only scold, no, a person called two also all right.

《情醉》的歌词吧。他和她分别,她依旧爱着他,他不知或不曾喜欢过她。对应英文:"Perfect" lyrics. He and she, she still loved him, he did not know or did not like her.

我承认……这是董贞唱的情醉。对应英文:I admit...... This is Dong Zhenchang an.

一腔春水只为你 浅圣女好洒脱、没说水门难。两眼泪花专作他流。对应英文:A cavity flows only for your good, did not say clear light of the difficult. His eyes tears as he flow.

万里江山皆风火,十年胸中尽怒潮。拚将一腔义士血,直向云天逞英豪。.瑶台曲青山未老头先白,寒催游子上瑶台...风流多被风吹散,我独一人欺霸王。踏碎九霄凌罗殿,何须弯弓射...对应英文:Jiangshan is hot, ten years as its chest. It will be a cavity righteous blood, straight to the sky be heroes. Yao Tai Qu Qingshan. Not old man to white, cold rush home on Yao... Air is blown away by the wind, the only one I bullied overlord. Crush jiuxiao Ling Luo Dian, why should the bow shoot...

弦板腔简介 弦板腔又称"板板腔",由于它的主要伴奏乐器"弦子"和击鼓乐器"板子"而得名。板子为弦板腔所独有,分为"二板子"与"扎板子"两种,敲起来为音质悦,声响亮,故称"...对应英文:Chord plate cavity profile chord plate cavity is also called the "plate cavity", as the main accompaniment "its Xianzi" and the "board" and the name of musical instruments. The board are unique chord plate cavity, divided into "two board" and "prick board" two, knocked up for quality Yue, loud, so"...

下联杏「幸」,梅「媒」。檐下蜘蛛一腔丝意庭前蚯蚓满腹泥心上联「丝」谐「私」。 下联「泥」谐「疑」,方言读音。塔内点灯 层层孔明诸角(葛)亮池中栽藕 节节太白理...对应英文:The apricot "lucky", "Mei". Under the eaves of a cavity spider Siyi court before the full core on the "wire" harmonic "private". The "mud" harmonic "doubt", dialect pronunciation. The layers of Kong Ming the lighting angle (GE) bright pool planting lotus root is too white science...

举头望明月,低头思故乡 一时今夕会,万里故乡情。 --杜甫 戍客望边色,思归多苦颜。 --李白 忽闻歌古调,归思欲沾巾。 --杜审言 君自故乡来,应知故乡事.来日绮窗前,寒梅着...对应英文:Look at the bright moon, bow their heads and think of home tonight will be temporary, Wan Li hometown. Du Fu Shu guest at the edge chromatic, returning more bitter yan. Li Bai suddenly smell song ancient thoughts, to dip towel. Du Jun - from home, tell me what has happened. Tomorrow 's window, plum with...

谁盼良人归,谁捧胭脂泪,谁描柳月眉,谁将曲中情怨,谁思红袖轮回,谁一腔相思错付,都是断肠人。半世浮生醉,花影重叠衣,戏子梦,不知处演尽今生、尘世事!岁月逝, 忆离别,...对应英文:Who wish to beloved, who holds the rouge tears, who draw Liu Yuemei, who will be in the blame, who think tea reincarnation, who pay a cavity lovesickness is wrong, a heartbroken man. Half a drunk, shadows overlap vests, actor dream, I do not know my best life, earthly years gone, I leave,...

然后到"青灯独楼东"室内一盏青灯,而人立楼东未眠,过分孤寂,当然接上句"一腔情至远"而来还算流畅,同时立楼东分明有愁,那么愁何许呢下文便是。然而,下句我就不理解了,...对应英文:And then to the "green Du Lou Dong" indoor a lamp, and Li Lou Dong sleepless, too lonely, of course, the phrase "a cavity to far" and is smooth, while Li Lou Dong clearly there is worry, so worry about below is what. However, the next sentence I do not understand,...


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