

不吃羊肉惹身臊对应英文:Do not eat mutton with Sao

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不吃羊肉惹身臊 不打不相识 不打无把握之仗 不打无准备之仗 不当家不知柴米贵 不到黄河心不死 不费吹灰之力 不分青红皂白 ...对应英文:Do not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not home I do not know Chai Migui not to the Yellow River heart die as easy as blowing off dust indiscriminately...

历史上貌似没这个典故的麦。连出之谁的口都没有,好像就说是古代老百姓流传下来的。对应英文:History doesn't this allusion of wheat. Even the who did not, as if that is handed down from ancient people.

病急乱投医 不吃黄连,不知啥叫苦 不吃馒头争(蒸)口汽 不吃羊肉惹身臊 不打不相识 不打无把握之仗 不打无准备之仗 不当家不知柴米贵 不到黄河心不死 不费吹灰之力 不分...对应英文:Critically ill patients do not eat Coptis, never complain do not eat Steamed buns for (steamed) and outlet does not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not home I do not know Chai Migui not to the Yellow River heart die as easy as blowing off dust not...

一比吓一跳 不吃黄连,不知啥叫苦 不吃馒头争(蒸)口汽 不吃羊肉惹身臊 不打不相识 不打无把握之仗 不打无准备之仗 不当家不知柴米贵 不到黄河心不死 不费吹灰之力 不分...对应英文:Than a jump not eat Coptis, never complain do not eat Steamed buns for (steamed) and outlet does not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not home I do not know Chai Migui not to the Yellow River heart die as easy as blowing off dust not...

一比吓一跳 不吃黄连,不知啥叫苦 不吃馒头争(蒸)口气 不吃羊肉惹身臊 不打不相识 不打无把握之仗 不打无准备之仗 不当家不知柴米贵 不到黄河心不死 不费吹灰之力 不分...对应英文:Than a jump not eat Coptis, never complain do not eat Steamed buns for (steamed) tone not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not home I do not know Chai Migui not to the Yellow River heart die as easy as blowing off dust not...

祸从口出 病急乱投医 不比不知道,一比吓一跳 不吃黄连,不知啥叫苦 不吃馒头争(蒸)口汽 不吃羊肉惹身臊 不打不相识 不打无把握之仗 不打无准备之仗 不当家不知柴米贵 ...对应英文:Out of the mouth comes evil. critically ill patients do not know than, than a jump not eat Coptis, never complain do not eat Steamed buns for (steamed) and outlet does not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not alone do not know Chai Migui...

不吃羊肉惹身臊   不打不相识   不打无把握之仗   不打无准备之仗   不当家不知柴米贵   不到黄河心不死   不费吹灰之...对应英文:Do not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not home I do not know Chai Migui not to the Yellow River heart die is not a piece of cake...

不吃羊肉惹身臊  不打不相识  不打无把握之仗  不打无准备之仗  不当家不知柴米贵  不到黄河心不死  不费吹灰之力  不分青红皂白  不够塞牙缝的 ...对应英文:Do not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not home I do not know Chai Migui not to the Yellow River heart die as easy as blowing off dust indiscriminately not plug the teeth...

不吃羊肉惹身臊   不打不相识   不打无把握之仗   不打无准备之仗   不当家不知柴米贵   不到黄河心不死   不费吹灰之力   不分青红皂白   不够塞牙...对应英文:Do not eat mutton with Sao Out of blows friendship grows fight no battle unprepared do not fight the battle unprepared not home I do not know Chai Migui not to the Yellow River heart die as easy as blowing off dust indiscriminately not seya...


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