

富贵如浮云对应英文:Fortune is like the clouds

"富贵于我如浮云"的解释看待富贵荣华有如浮云一样淡薄。"丹青不知老将尽,富贵于我如浮云"这两句诗是杜甫·《丹青引赠曹将军霸》的名句,表达的是作者对洒脱放达和怡然...对应英文:"Riches and honour to me as the floating clouds" explanation about riches, honour and splendor as weak like clouds. "I do not know the veteran Dan, riches and honour to me as a floating cloud." this poem is Du Fu "Dan to general Cao Ba" sentence, expression is the author of a free and easy let up and happy...

也许是有钱一身轻或者是过眼云烟吧 没什么大不了对应英文:Perhaps the money a light or Feeling's Gone Away didn't what big deal

不义之财,无益于生命的健康用义的来的富贵并不这样。对应英文:Ill-gotten gains, not conducive to the healthy life with meaning to wealth is not so.

富贵于我如浮云。(杜甫 丹青引赠曹将军霸)两句大意是说,曹霸一生专心致志于绘画,对于功名富贵是不关心的。对应英文:Letting wealth and fame drift by like clouds. (Du Fu picture to general Cao BA) two words, Cao devote oneself heart and soul to life in painting, did not care for rank, success, fame and riches.

看待富贵荣华有如浮云一样淡薄。对应英文:Look at riches, honour and splendor as weak like clouds.

丹青不知老将至,富贵于我如浮云。 开元之中常引见,承恩数上南熏殿。 凌烟功臣少颜色,将军下笔开生面。 良相头上进贤冠,猛半腰间大羽箭。 褒公鄂公毛发动,英姿讽爽来...对应英文:Faithful to your art, you know no age, letting wealth and fame drift by like clouds. In the years of Kaiyuan you were much with the emperor, accompanied him often to the court of the south wind. When the spirit left great statesmen, on walls of the hall of fame the point of your brush preserved their living faces. Good head Jinxian crown, a semi waist Dayu arrow. Praise in public, Mao launched heroic satire, cool to...

"富贵于我如浮云"这句话,出自杜甫的"丹青不知老将尽,富贵于我如浮云。"但是,这句话的"原创",却是孔子-"饭疏食饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣。不义而...对应英文:"Riches and honour to me as a floating cloud." this sentence, from Du Fu's "the painting does not know the veteran, riches and honour to me as a floating cloud. "However, the word" original ", is Confucius -" simple meals, drinking water, bend the arm for a pillow, joy in life. And not just the...

名利富贵等身外之物不能长久,都像风和云一样很快就会消散。实际上是告诫人们不要太追求这些东西。对应英文:Fame and wealth and other external things can not be a long time, the wind and cloud will dissipate quickly. In fact is warning people not to pursue these things too.

丹青不知老将至,富贵于我如浮云。 《丹青引赠曹将军霸》对应英文:Faithful to your art, you know no age, letting wealth and fame drift by like clouds. "Dan to general Cao Ba"

于我如浮云。"浮云自在天,不行不义,则不义之富贵,无缘来相扰。孔子极为重视看待和求取富贵的...做到了"不汲汲于富贵,不戚戚于贫贱"。即使生活艰苦,亦能坦然面对,才能...对应英文:To me as a floating cloud. "The clouds form, no unrighteousness, wealth is evil, not to disturb. Confucius attaches great importance to treat and get rich... Did "not just wealth, does not find". Even though life is hard, also can accept, can...


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