

水牛身上拔根毛对应英文:Buffalo pulling hair

水牛,也叫印度水牛,是一种大的偶蹄动物,驯养的水牛在亚洲和美洲非常普遍。在亚洲,水牛主要用来作为劳动力在欧洲的意大利、罗马尼亚和保加利亚它被用做奶牛或食用牛。...对应英文:Buffalo Buffalo, also called India, is a large hoofed animal, domestic buffalo is very common in America and asia. In Asia, buffalo mainly used as labor in Europe in Italy, Romania and Bulgaria, it was used in dairy or beef. ...

土居天牛,曲牙土天牛,河南山东一带称水牛  【目科】鞘翅目,天牛科,锯天牛亚科。   【学名】   【分布】北京、河北、河南、陕西、山西、湖北...对应英文:Soil in the longicorn, dorysthenes hydropicus, Henan Shandong area called buffalo [present] Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, prioninae. [name] [distribution] Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hubei...

水牛吃了萤火虫--肚里明白 水牛打架--勾心斗角 水牛过小巷--转不过弯来 水牛身上拔根毛--毫不在乎 死牛拉木马--动不动 唐三藏撞见牛魔王--舌头短截 天生的牛性--古怪...对应英文:Buffalo eat fireflies -- see buffalo buffalo fighting belly -- intrigue alley - but to turn to Buffalo pulling hair - care nothing about dead cow pull Trojan - moving into the Bull Demon King Tang - tongue short cut natural sex - odd...

水牛打架 - 勾心斗角 水往低处流 - 顺其自然 水中捞月 - 一场空 水牛身上拔根毛 - 毫不在乎 水面上看人 - 看倒了 水里加油 - 漂在上边 水底捞月,天上摘星 - 想得到,...对应英文:Buffalo fighting - infighting water flows downwards - go - no fish for the moon in the water buffalo pulling hair - care nothing about the water to see people look down the water gas - floating in the sky above the fish in the air, the stars - wanted,...

贵在持久 水牛打架 - 勾心斗角 水往低处流 - 顺其自然 水中捞月 - 一场空 水牛身上拔根毛 - 毫不在乎 水面上看人 - 看倒了 水里加油 - 漂在上边 水底捞月,天上摘星 -...对应英文:In the long-term fight buffalo intrigue water flows downwards - go - no fish for the moon in the water buffalo pulling hair - care nothing about the water to see people look down the water gas - floating in the above effort in vain, the sky the stars -...

年迈的阿姨功能也有所下降了,需求也慢慢的少了,我相信对一个年轻小伙子来说这点要求简直就是水牛身上拔根毛,不伤大体。稍微用点心也就了!不过这样的日子过过个半年...对应英文:The old aunt function also declined, demand also gradually less, I believe for a young guy this requirement is simply a buffalo pulling hair, not to hurt the general. A little snack also! But this time had a half a year...

水牛吃了萤火虫肚里明白 水牛打架勾心斗角 水牛过小巷转不过弯来 水牛身上拔根毛毫不在乎 死牛拉木马动不动 唐三藏撞见牛魔王舌头短截 天生的牛性古怪 铁打的...对应英文:Buffalo eating firefly stomach understand buffalo fighting intrigue buffalo alley but to turn to Buffalo pulling hair care nothing about dead cow pull Trojan motionless Zang caught he tongue short cut natural sex odd iron...

主要动物性药材有穿山甲、蛤蚧、马鹿茸、熊胆、斑蝥、牛黄、马宝,水牛角、猴骨、水獭肝、鳖甲、龟板、九香虫、蜂蜜、蜂房、蜂蜡、灵猫香、五灵脂、僵蚕、蟾酥、王锦蛇...对应英文:The main animal medicinal pangolin, gecko, Ma Lurong, Xiong Dan, Niu Huang, Ma Bao, cantharidin, water buffalo horn, monkey bone, liver, turtle shell, turtle shell, the nine pest, honey, honey, beeswax, civet, trogopterus dung, Bombyx Batryticatus, toad, Wang Jinshe...

毛孔的排列为三根一组,革面呈现许多小三角形的图案, 牛革黄牛革和水牛革都称为牛革,但二者也有一定的差别。黄牛革表面的毛孔呈圆形,较直地伸入革内,毛孔紧密而均匀,...对应英文:The pores arranged in three to a group, the leather surface has many small triangular pattern of cattle leather, cow leather and buffalo leather are called cow leather, but the two also have certain difference. Cattle leather surface pores were round, a straight into the leather, compact and uniform pores,...

瘦弱的牛和猪。比喻弱小的民族或国家 九牛一毫 九条牛身上的一根毛。比喻极其微小,微不足道 马勃牛溲 马勃马屁菌牛溲车前草。借指不值钱的东西 马面牛头 比喻各种...对应英文:Emaciated cattle and pigs. Metaphor weak ethnic or national Jiuniuyihao nine on cattle hair. Metaphor is extremely small, not worth mentioning Ma Bo New puffball up bacteria Niusou plantain. Refers to worthless devils metaphor various...


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