

饥寒起盗心对应英文:Hungry belies have no ears

★明·凌蒙初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二十八现在一般说饱暖思淫欲。饥寒生盗心。意思就是生活安逸,易起淫念对应英文:★ Ming Ling Mengchu "two minute strike the table in surprise" volume twenty-eight is now generally When one is fed and warmed. Have students to steal. It means life is easy, easy to lust

心无所依 才是思淫、盗心起之根源 如果你心志高远 岂会因寒而盗 岂会因寂而淫对应英文:The heart is not in it is thinking lewd, the root of heart if you mind high is because of cold and steal it because of loneliness and prostitution

饥寒起盗心,后面一句话是饱暖思淫欲.对应英文:Hungry heart behind the theft, the sentence is When one is fed and warmed

饥寒起盗心。 解释饱暖思淫欲食饱衣暖之时,则生淫欲之心。 饥寒起盗心食不果腹,衣不遮体时就想去偷窃了。对应英文:Hungry belies have no ears. Explain When one is fed and warmed well fed and clothed when, are the heart of lust. Fill up robs the heart have little food to eat, to steal in rags when they want to.

人的需要,在满足了低级的后就会有高一级的需要基本层次是温饱生理、安全归属、爱、尊重和自我实现。对应英文:Human needs, to meet the low-level will need basic level of a high level of food and clothing, safety, belonging, physiological love respect and self realization.

这句话的意思就是人在满足物质需求后,就会因为没有上进的动力,专而去追求不正当的享受人在不能满足物质要求的时候,就会因被迫无奈挺而走险,去危害别人的利益,来满足...对应英文:The meaning of this sentence is to meet the material needs, will be because of power not motivated, dedicated to pursue unfair enjoyment in can't satisfy requirements for substances, will be forced to go to great extremes, to harm the interests of others, to meet the...

. 俗语符合马斯洛的需求层次理论,而格言符合赫兹伯格的双因素理论对应英文:They meet. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and aphorisms with dual factor theory of Berg

折第三折(荆楚臣冠带上,诗云)独携琴剑入长安,垂手功名自不难。何限彩楼招婿者,偏我无心懒去看。小宫荆楚臣。自离了松江赴京,一举状元及第。所除句容县令,判簿皆缺,止...对应英文:Fold the seventy percent off (crown with Jing Chuchen, a poem) single with Qin sword into Changan, and fame since it is not difficult to. Xiancai floor where uxorilocal, partial my careless lazy to see. The small Gong Chu chen. From Songjiang to Beijing, in one fell swoop and the draft. In addition Jurong county magistrate, judge book is missing, check...

饱暖生淫欲 ǎ ǎ ē í ù 解释 指生活安逸,易起淫念。 来源 明·贾仲名《对玉梳》第三折"正旦唱这厮只因饱暖生淫欲……正旦唱便休想似水如鱼。"对应英文:Warm life lust ǎ ǎ ē í ù explained that life is easy, easy to lust. Source Ming Jia Zhong name "the jade comb" article seventy percent off "it is to sing this fellow only because of warm life lust...... It is sung was going Sishuiruyu. "

孟子对应英文:Meng Zi

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