

家有丑妻是个宝对应英文:An ugly wife is a treasure of a family

娶个臭老婆能不能幸福不能看她的长相,要看她是否能持家,对家庭好,对未来的孩子好,看她是否懒惰!如果能取个外表漂亮,心灵更美丽的老婆最好!对应英文:A bad wife can happiness can't see her face, to see whether the home, the family, the future children, whether she is lazy! If you can take a beautiful mind, beautiful wife the best!

谁说的!这种刺激性的话是谁说的!家有一老如有一宝我就听过!对应英文:Who said that! This kind of stimulus words who said that! There is an old house where a treasure I heard!

家有丑妻,丈夫可放心外出,不要担心后院起火。自然是一宝罗。对应英文:A ugly wife, husband can rest assured to go out, don't worry about the backyard on fire. Nature is a treasure.

黄承彦家有一个女儿,生来聪明伶俐,不但会纺织刺绣,更通晓诗书,关心天下不管侯方域后来的表现如何,应该说,李香君在自己的爱情生活中,是无可非议对应英文:Huang Chengyan has a daughter, born to be clever and sensible, will not only textile embroidery, the more familiar poem, concerned about world no matter how, Hou Fangyu later performance should be said, Li Xiangjun in their love life, is to be without rebuke

呵呵,其实这句话的真正意思是指丑的老婆虽然样貌丑陋,但是呢,为了弥补这方面的缺陷,他会提升自己家务能力或者其他的一些方面,并且,别的男人亦不会对她产生兴趣。就是...对应英文:Ha ha, in fact, the true meaning of this sentence refers to the ugly wife though ugly, but, in order to make up for this defect, he will improve their housework ability or some other aspects, and, other men will not be interested in her. You're quite right.

丑妻,破棉袄! 横地肯定不对,把丑妻,破棉袄都当宝了,薄田就很知足了。 这样说是知足常乐人的自嘲。对应英文:Ugly wife, broken jacket! Must not arbitrarily, the ugly wife, broken jacket when treasure, thin Tian is very satisfied. This is self contented people.

其一就是喜好拿丑女开心,如曰某妻丑陋而愚笨,夫常叹"别人鳏居我不鳏居。"妻不懂。父"你答别人孤孀我不孤...动荡不安,家有仙妻的某些男士饱受红颜祸水的切肤之痛之后,...对应英文:It is like get ugly happy, as a wife is ugly and stupid husband often sigh, "others in I not alone. "The wife doesn't understand. "Your father answer others gushuang I not alone... After a turbulent, some men Xian wife suffered the pain of cutting one's body Dangerous Beauty,...

知道诸葛老兄不,人家媳妇就不靓,但他就当宝,为啥咧。.人家人丑心不丑啊,善良才是最宝贵的,会真心对你好。家里家外都会照顾好,也不会很作。你省心。.老婆丑的话,你上...对应英文:Know that Zhuge guy not, family daughter-in-law is not pretty, but he just as treasure, why. The ugly heart. Family not ugly ah, good is the most precious, be sincere to you. Home will take good care of, will not be made. You worry. . wife is ugly, you...

您的话可能有错误,有没有可能是"家有丑妻是一宝" 这句话的意思是娶个丑老婆能不能幸福不能看她的长相,要看她是否能持家,对家庭好,对未来的孩子好,看她是否懒惰!如果...对应英文:You may be wrong, there may be "a ugly wife is a treasure" the meaning of this sentence is to marry an ugly wife can happiness can't see her face, to see whether the home, the family, the future children, whether she is lazy! If...

这样子说我会嫁给帅哥了对应英文:So that I would marry a handsome boy


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