

三十六计走为上对应英文:Go for the thirty-six meter

题言'三十六计走为上,一心一意归到位' 老鼠的三十六计走为上在于'十二生肖的故事' 老鼠先骗猫选十二生肖的日子是在后天,(第一个计诞生了..)后来,又在选生肖的当天,...对应英文:The word 'go for the thirty-six meter, undivided attention to thirty-six place' mouse meter up in 'the story of the twelve Chinese Zodiac rat to cheat the cat choose twelve zodiac day is the day after tomorrow, (the first plan was born.) later, in the selection of animals,...


题言'三十六计走为上老鼠的三十六计走为上在于'十二生肖的故事' 老鼠先骗猫选十二生肖的日子是在后天,(第一个计诞生了..)后来,又在选生肖的当天,它骑在牛的背上去了...对应英文:The word 'go for the thirty-six meter thirty-six meter walk into a mouse is that' the story of the twelve Chinese Zodiac rat to cheat the cat choose twelve zodiac day is the day after tomorrow, (the first plan was born.) later, in the selection of the zodiac, riding on the cattle back...

"三十六计"的说法最早见于《南齐书•王敬则传》南齐大司马王敬则起兵造反,齐明帝父子在宫中听说...走是上计,汝父子唯应急走耳。"《南史•王敬则传》有...对应英文:"Thirty-six" is the first in the "book of Nan Wang Chuan Qi Jingze" big king Sima Jingze rebellion, Qi Ming emperor and his son in the house heard... Go on, you son only emergency left ear. "Wang Jingze biography" has "Southern dynasties...

老鼠的三十六计走为上在于'十二生肖的故事'老鼠先骗猫选十二生肖的日子是在后天,(第一个计诞生了..)后来,又在选生肖的当天,它骑在牛的背上去了(牛被骗了.),到了目的...对应英文:The mouse to go for the thirty-six meter is that 'the story of the twelve Chinese Zodiac rat to cheat the cat choose twelve zodiac day is the day after tomorrow, (the first plan was born.) later, in the selection of the zodiac, riding on the cattle back (bovine fooled.), to the purpose...

以逃走为上策。指事情已经到了无可奈何的地步,没有别的好办法,只能出走现在指战争中看到形势对自己极为不利时就逃走。现多用于生活中,工作中,社交中,如果形势对自己不...对应英文:In order to escape is the best policy. That things have to feel helpless situation, there is no other good way, can only run away now referred to in the war to see the situation of their extremely unfavorable fled. Are used for life, work, social contact, if the situation on its own is not...

" 古有三十六计谋,最后六计是败战计,而败战计的最后一计就是"走为上"。意思是"如果用了前边条计谋都不能... 走为上计是'败战计'中的一计 三十六计即 胜战计瞒天过海...对应英文:"The thirty-six strategy, the last six meter is losing the war, and the defeat of the last meter is" go for the". Means "if used in front of a strategy are not... It's politic to leave is the 'battle plan' in a thirty-six meter that wins the fight to practise deception...

你说其中一个对,庄家说不对,你何奈之有 、第三十六计走为上,此计为最后一计,【猪】!可庄家说最后一个逃跑了,故要选倒数第二的【狗】! 、字面拆字"走"的上部如为"...对应英文:You said one banker says no, you on, Neville has, go for the thirty-sixth meter, the meter as the last meter [pig],! Be the dealer said the last run, so to choose the reciprocal second [dog], literally! "" go "is as"...

《三十六计》没有真正的作者。 之所以没有固定的作者,要谈到三十六计的来历。三十六个计谋,大部分来自孙武的作品《孙子兵法》中,是由后人在研读《孙子兵法》过程中总...对应英文:"Thirty-six" is not the real author. Why not fixed by the authors, to about thirty-six meters. The thirty-six strategy, mostly from the works of Sun Wu "art of war", by later generations after reading "the art of war" in the process of total...

是第三十六计~!对应英文:Is thirty-sixth meter!


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