

生意不成仁义在对应英文:The business is not a virtue in the

这次生意没做没关系,还可以做个朋友,这份情谊还在,有可能还有下次合作的机会! - - 客套话,其实就是他感觉问了你很多 和你说了很多,有点麻烦你了,但又不想买了推脱了 最...对应英文:This business not do never mind, can also be a friend, the friendship is, and possibly the next cooperation opportunities! - courtesy, in fact is that he feels asked you a lot and you said a lot, a little trouble you, but do not want to buy off the...

就是说虽然双方在这次的生意洽谈上存在分歧,以致做不成生意,不过双方的交情不应该有所影响,以后还会有合作的机会,生意归生意,交情归交情。对应英文:It is said that although there are differences between the two sides in the business negotiation, so do not do business, but the friendship should not be affected, there will be opportunities for cooperation, business is business, hand in return.

!(地道说法) - (较直译)对应英文:(the authentic saying!) - (a literal translation)

买卖生意。不成没做成。仁义这里指友情、交情。在存在。整条意思是买卖双方对于成交价格进行博弈,虽...出处梁斌《红旗谱》第一卷"嫌人家来做买卖,买卖不成仁义在...对应英文:The sale of the business. No not made. "Here refers to the friendship, the friendship. In the presence of. The whole meaning both for the price of the sale of game, although... From Liang Bin "red flag" volume one "enough people to do business, not a virtue in the sale...



.虽然失败了,但扩宽你的人脉以及社交圈子。解释成俗语,生意不成仁义在。对应英文:Though failed, but broaden your contacts and social circle. As the proverb, business is not a virtue in the.

这次生意没做没关系,还可以做个朋友,这份情谊还在,有可能还有下次合作的机会! - - 客套话, 其实就是他感觉问了你很多 和你说了很多,有点麻烦你了,但又不想买了推脱了 ...对应英文:This business not do never mind, can also be a friend, the friendship is, and possibly the next cooperation opportunities! - courtesy, in fact is that he feels asked you a lot and you said a lot, a little trouble you, but do not want to buy it...

买卖不成仁义在 发音口嘞噶 松撒腿即 阿纳搜都 以你嫩 哪吗思密达对应英文:No justice in the pronunciation mouth Le GA creeping legs that are in your tender Anak search sale which it Smecta

一般是"生意不成仁义在"。 做生意成功率一般是在~%,所以绝大部分生意是做不成的。但是在做生意过程中,卖方会投入或多或少的情感、资金等等资源为生意服务,以拉近...对应英文:The general is not a virtue in the "business". Business success rate is generally in the ~ percent, so the majority of business is impossible. But in the process of doing business, the seller will be more or less emotional, capital and so on resources for business services, to reduce the...


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