

天时地利人和对应英文:Right place, right time and
109:1数字首位,最下于地,八卦坎位,坎在八卦于一,0于空间,平衡天地之间阴阳二气,9数字最后最上于天,八卦离位,离在八卦于九,109:一于地利、0于人和、九于天时,天时地利人和来源于自然山水的。  天时地利人和    拼音: tiān shí dì lì 

占尽天时地利人和俗话说:巧妇难为无米之炊。对应英文:Time is the right place, and as the saying goes: one can.

人一到下雨天就容易泛困,就像猪吃饱了饭一样,觉得不睡觉就是对于天时地利人和的浪费…对应英文:One to the rainy day can easily trapped, like pigs eat meal, don't feel sleep is to the right place, right time and waste...

并购贷款一般涉及数额较大,业内人士预计,财大气粗的国有商业银行将占尽天时地利人和。对应英文:M&a loan generally involves the amount is larger, the personage inside course of study is expected, with deep pockets of the state-owned commercial Banks has superior conditions to the people.

占尽天时地利人和俗话说:巧妇难为无米之炊。对应英文:Time is the right place, and as the saying goes: one can.

人一到下雨天就容易泛困,就像猪吃饱了饭一样,觉得不睡觉就是对于天时地利人和的浪费…对应英文:One to the rainy day can easily trapped, like pigs eat meal, don't feel sleep is to the right place, right time and waste...

并购贷款一般涉及数额较大,业内人士预计,财大气粗的国有商业银行将占尽天时地利人和。对应英文:M&a loan generally involves the amount is larger, the personage inside course of study is expected, with deep pockets of the state-owned commercial Banks has superior conditions to the people.

明天,有了天时地利人和,他们也许就能得到来自于像巴西和中国大企业的垂青。对应英文:Tomorrow, there is the right place, right time and, maybe they can get from like Brazil and China enterprises.

梦想与跨越,天时地利人和:全力打造超百万千瓦级绿色能源本土旗舰,是电化人崭新的梦想与激情;对应英文:Dream and cross, right place, right time, and: native to super million kilowatt green energy flagship, is a new electrochemical people dream and passion;

所以说,韩朝关系能否取得突破还差临门一脚,还要看天时地利人和等各方面条件是否能同时具备。对应英文:So, inter-korean relations is poor finishing, a breakthrough to the right place, right time and the condition of each respect such as whether it can have at the same time.

在天时地利人和的情况下把事情搞得如此狼狈确实略显尴尬了,虽说公共开支貌似会被削减而NASA的预算在可预见的一段时间里都将与现在持平。对应英文:In the right place, right time and under the condition of things so fast really embarrassed, although seemed to be cut public spending and NASA's budget in the foreseeable period of time will be the same as now.

最好的不一定最适合,爱需要天时地利人和,我相信缘分命中注定。对应英文:The best is not necessarily the most suitable, love needs right place, right time, and I believe that fate doomed.

和顺,一座滇西小镇,占尽了天时地利人和。对应英文:Heshun, a town of western yunnan, accounting for all the right place, right time and.

云的阵势,好像是树的啦啦队!真是一张天时地利人和的好片子。对应英文:Cloud of appearance, as if the tree cheerleaders!

看来,微软收购雅虎或许的确有了天时地利与人和的条件,一切只需杨致远最后拍板,那么在微软内外夹击的情况下,杨会不会四面楚歌呢?对应英文:Microsoft buying yahoo may have days, it seems, geographical and human conditions, all final decisions by Yang, so in the case of Microsoft attack inside and out, Yang will be under siege?

套用一句俗语,张茵说:“天时、地利、人和帮我走向成功。”对应英文:To use a common saying, zhang said: ", geographical and human conditions to help me to success."

在我作为雅典市市长筹备奥运会的时候,我认为成功来于协调,源于天时、地利、人和,最根本的是要相信人民。对应英文:When I was as a city mayor in the process of the Olympic Games, I think success to their coordination, derived from, geographical and human conditions at present, the most fundamental is to believe in the people.

如今的.IZE冰源餐厅可以说是集聚了天时、地利、人和,称之为三亚最好的餐厅一点也不为过。对应英文:Now. Can be offer the.ize, geographical and human conditions at present, call it a bit too much in the best restaurant in sanya.

天时,地利,人和,再加上经济发展的乐观状况,让这整个国家此刻都陷入了那种消失了近一代人时间的团结和乐观自主。对应英文:Timing, location, and, plus the optimistic conditions of economic development, makes the whole country is now the disappeared almost a generation of unity and optimistic independence.

广东金融业占据了天时、地利、人和的优势,拥有巨大的市场占有率。对应英文:Guangdong finance occupies, the advantage of geographical and human conditions, has a large market share.

除了苦干之外,最大的决定因素就是天时,地利,人和。对应英文:After hard work, the biggest determinant is being the right place, and.

本次研讨会的举行可谓“天时、地利、人和”。对应英文:The seminar is held as "climate, geographical and human".

没有人怀疑中国经济会在天时、地利、人和的国际化大环境中持续发展壮大,尽管我们还面临着太多的不尽人意。对应英文:No one doubts that China's economy will be in the days, the internationalization of geographical and human environment continues to grow, even though we are faced with too many unsatisfactory.

我们有理由相信:在拥有天时、地利、人和的条件下,可以为所有信赖我们的企业和客户提供最满意的服务。对应英文:We have reason to believe: with timing, geographical and human conditions, can provide all trust our company and customers with the most satisfactory services.

一些球员和教练之间的关系和默契向来为人们津津乐道,他们之间如果能做到天时、地利、人和的话则是完美的匹配。对应英文:Some of the players and the coach and the relationship between tacit understanding has always been valued by people, between them if you can do it, geographical and human conditions are a perfect match.

因为你们太强大了,你们天时,地利,人和都有。我们太弱小了,无法正面和你们抗衡。对应英文:Because you are too strong, your timing, location, and all have.

通过对主客观条件、内外因素的梳理,着重指出西雅图的快速繁荣是天时、地利、人和综合因素作用的结果。对应英文:Based on subjective and objective conditions, the internal and external factors, rapid prosperity of Seattle is the result of comprehensive factors, geographical and human conditions.

这次奥运会中国队在占据天时、地利、人和等诸多优势的情况下却未能取得历史突破。对应英文:The Olympic Games the Chinese team in the occupied, geographical and human conditions under the condition of many advantages, such as failed to achieve the historical breakthrough.

“天时、地利、人和”,我们凝聚高知识、高智慧和高技术的团队,将为客户创造最大的价值。对应英文:"Timing, geographical and human", we collect high knowledge, intelligence and high technology team, will create the biggest value for customers.

没有人和,在天时地利方面汉密尔顿也占不到任何的便宜。对应英文:And, in the right place, right time Hamilton also accounts for less than any cheaper.

云南 动漫的发展,占了天时、地利,却缺少“人和”。对应英文:Accounts for the development of yunnan animation, timing, right place, but the lack of "and".

天时不如地利, 地利不如人和。对应英文:Days than right, more important, and.


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